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Many had passed coz I let them slipped away
But maybe, they were just meant to sway my way
Sometimes I regret for being not strong
But maybe, they were just my Mr. Wrong.

It's really not easy to find the right one for you
Many would say they love you, they really do
But effort really counts a lot
To convince me what they've really got.

Sometimes, we can't avoid falling for the wrong person
And think that you both are in a perfect situation
Just because they say all the right words
Doesn't mean you are perfectly paired.

Three " someone" came by who loved me that much
That everytime I fall, they're there willing to catch
But then, my love for them wasn't that enough
To continue to fight when our roads became rough.

Another one came whom I know from the start
That we really are just meant to be apart
But still I insisted him to be my Mr. Right
Though I am not that willing to fight.

Some dared to touch me by their words
And promised not to hurt me, like what I always heard
They say things every girl wanted to hear
But those were nothing if it comes from a person not so dear. 

In my life I've done many wrong moves
And danced imperfectly along the groove
But what matters is that I am willing to stand
Hoping that someday, 'real someone' would offer me his hand.

Though I am now hesitant to love again
I am still excited to know who's the one God send
Hoping that the next one would finally be the one
Who'll make me happy like no one else can.

I am afraid to get hurt
Afraid to think that someone again might flirt
But I won't quit that fast
Finding for that someone who would last.

Sometimes the wrong person says it all
And the right person says nothing at all
It's up to us who to trust
But honesty is really a MUST!

The world is full of tricks
Be careful to choose who's worth the risk
Many Mr. Wrong will come our way
Just smile at them and say 'hey!'  


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