he said he likes me!!!!!

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Blaine's POV

the next morning i woke up in two strong arms wrapped around my waist and gorgeous blue eyes looking at me. "good morning cutie" said Blaze.wait he called me cutie yay!! ok so i have a small crush on Blaze and i think he is really sexy.i smiled and said "good morning sexy"and started to get out of the bed when i remembered i was only in my BOTDF shirt and a pink thong...oh just great i thought while blushing and climbing out of bed.as i walked to the bathroom i heard Blaze wolf whistle and get out behind me and slap my ass >_< "Pervert" i said and he just chuckled and ran to the bathroom,i heard water running so i guess he is in the shower so i ran to my room to do what i have been waiting to do sense i walk in my dad's house yesterday...cut.

i dig in the back of my sink and pull out a razor and break it so i can use the blade and i slide it across my wrist 6 or 7 times which are pretty deep and one starts to bleed badly shit i hit a vain i thought as i here the water go off in the other bathroom and i tried to get up but i can't move my ankle and then i remember my dad broke it along with three ribs.I try to scream for help but it doesn't work and that's when things started to fade into black.......

Blaze's POV

i hop out of the shower and changed into a BVB shirt black skinny jeans and my ATL converse.i called Blaine's name but i didn't hear an answer so i walked to here room and she wasn't in there.i heard a crashing sound come from the bathroom and i called her name through the door but nothing so i open the door to see Blaine on the floor with a razor in hand and blood everywhere shit!!! i thought.i picked her almost weightless body up and carried her to her bed and i layed her down and got the first ad kit and cleaned her wrist and put pressure on it and i check her pulse and i see she is still breathing thank god i thought as i sit down next to her unconscious body.i felt a tear fall on my shirt and that's when i noticed i was crying...but i haven't cried since dad died 8 years ago i thought,.i looked at Blaine and smile she means a lot more to me then i thought i guess.i saw her shiver so i put her under the covers and climbed in behind her thinking about how beautiful her eyes are and how they change color.

i see her waking up and i smile and say "hi Blaine be careful sitting up i have to take you to the hospital this after noon to get your leg and ribs looked at." she said "ok fine and i am sorry i cut you probably think i am a freak now"with her head down.i pulled her chin up to look at me and i pulled her in and kissed her lips she didn't kiss back for a few minutes but she finally did and i licked her lip asking for entrance and she gave me it willingly and i smiled and put my tongue in her mouth and she tasted amazing like strawberries and chocolate yumm my favorite.all i felt was sparks and it was pure bliss.i pulled away for air and she did to "does that answer it and Blaine?" i asked and she said "yes and what is it Blaze?" and i said "Blaine promise me you'll stop cutting and w-w-will you b-b-b-be my girlfriendimeanifyouwantofcourse"and i looked up and she smiled and said "yes i promise i will stop and yes yes yes" i smileed and picked her up and spun her around and kissed her.

i love you more then i can ever screamWhere stories live. Discover now