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Anakin stood uncomfortably at yet another Jedi Council meeting. He strongly disliked them, the worst part being how the Masters surrounded him in a circle. It made him feel claustrophobic. Feeling everyone's eyes on him from every angle made his stance stiff and made his muscles ache by the end of every meeting they made him attend.

With the war raging across the galaxy he attended these more and more. He couldn't complain, though, because the council had appointed him as a General. At least he got out of the Temple and into the field, where he could do real work.

Today's particular meeting also involved Obi Wan, and Ella whom he'd met only hours ago. He still wasn't sure what he thought of her yet. She reminded him much of himself when he was 15, and that terrified him.

With Ella came a very important argument on whether or not she would be part of the Jedi Order or not. This girl was no doubt powerful, and that was the problem. They knew nothing about her at all.

"Go ahead, Master Obi Wan," Master Windu started out. While mostly everyone stared at Ella, she avoided eye contact. Anakin saw her eyes shift from the window to the floor repeatedly.

"While Anakin and I were searching for General Grievous on Hoth we encountered Ella," Obi Wan began to explain. "She proved herself able to harness the Force without any knowledge of the entity itself. I believe she needs to be trained."

"My apologies, Master Kenobi, but this girl is far too old to begin training. It is only standard that we deny her," Master Windu replied.

Obi Wan took a deep breath and smiled. "Yes, Master Windu, I understand that. But, there are other standards by which would require us to add her to our ranks. If you would have let me finish, I could have gone over them."

It took every strength Anakin had not to laugh. Sometimes, just sometimes, Obi Wan got frustrated. And this was one of those glorious moments when he wasn't frustrated with Anakin, but with someone else.

"Boys, boys, boys..." Master Luminara chimed in before Master Windu could respond to Obi Wan. "Why don't we let Ella introduce herself first? Go ahead, Ella." Luminara flashed a welcoming smile at Ella.

Ella began to twiddle her fingers nervously as she spoke. "Um, well, I'm Ella and like Obi Wan said, I'm from Hoth. Uhm, I've lived there for as long as I can remember. There's not much special about me. I'm just a scavenger."

"Who are your parents?" Master Plo Koon asked.

Ella's face sunk as she formed her answer in her head. "I never knew my father. My mother lived with me on Hoth, she said we lived on such a terrible planet to stay safe from my father. S- she said he wanted to turn me into a monster. And o- one day when I was still really young the thing you call General Grievous came and killed her. She made me hide, while it happened a- and after that he came back to look for me every few weeks."

"Barriss, why don't you come to the Council's meeting room? There's someone I'd like you to keep company for a while," Luminara said into a commlink. "I think it would be best if the rest of us had a discussion in here. My Padawan Barriss and Ella can get to know one another in the meantime."

"That's a great idea, Master Luminara. That way Ella will already have a friend when she joins the Order," Obi Wan said, making sure to raise an eyebrow at Master Windu as he spoke.

Soon after, Barriss entered the room. "Barriss, this is Ella, Ella, this is Barriss," Luminara said calmly.

"Why don't the two of you go find Ahsoka as well, she's quite friendly as well," Master Plo Koon called out as the two young girls ventured outside of the room.

Anakin couldn't help but feel nervous about Ella being out in the temple with just two padawans. He couldn't forget that she'd strangled him earlier. Of course it was for only two seconds, but still.. Could they trust her?

"Masters, I hope you have pieced together the evidence as I," Obi Wan said, returning to his usual businesslike tone. Anakin wished that Master Windu would provoke him again. Their calm, professional yet passive aggressive arguments were the only times these meetings were interesting.

"Yes, but can we trust her?" Plo Koon asked.

"Right, Master Plo Koon is. A dark side plan, could this be?" Yoda added.

"I'm afraid Master Plo Koon is correct. What if this girl is a spy? You did say she knew how to use the Force," Master Windu said.

"I agree, her father could have sent Grievous there knowing we were tracking him. That would lead us to her."

"I understand all of you, but Ella and Anakin's meeting seems too random for it to be planned. The only reason she saved Anakin was because she wanted the reward I offered," Obi Wan countered.

"What makes you so keen to request her presence in the Order, Obi Wan?"

"It sounds to me like the Sith are trying to recruit her. If they indeed want her, there is much we can achieve with her."

"And what if the Sith have the same motives?"

"We'll have one of them to interrogate," Anakin said, thinking out loud.

"Right you are, Anakin," Obi Wan said proudly. He had a right to be proud, his plan was genius.

"Monitored, she will have to be."

"I suggest we meditate on this situation tonight, let us make our final decision tomorrow morning. Before then I'd like to get Ahsoka and Bariss's input after they've interacted with her."

"Anakin, what is your opinion on the matter?" Luminara asked abruptly. Anakin had been half listening throughout the meeting, so it took him a minute to remember what they had been discussing.

"Ella is a valuable asset. She can possibly become a great soldier or a great source of information. But she's also young and alone. My opinion is that this girl should be shown the kindness and compassion that we Jedi so strongly value." Anakin said, deep down hoping Ella was listening to his statement and appreciating it.

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