ch.5 - monochrome {soulmate au}

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Before you and your soulmate's paths collide, your vision is coloured by nothing other than black and white. However, when you meet your soulmate, the world as you see it bursts into colour.

It was December 30th, a somewhat special day for you. Today, each and every one of the Queen's subordinates were to be gathered in a single room.

It was an important meeting, where each of you were to be introduced to each family and split into teams deemed as allies for when the road gets a little rocky on your behalf.

You had already been informed of your assignments, and were stuck with the rather basic ones that others had also been given: The Whitechapel Murders and the Jack the Ripper case.

You figured that as a new subordinate of hers, the Queen merely wanted to test your strengths. You had intended to go over that matter with Her Majesty but your butler, Ida, had convinced you otherwise. He assured you that when the time was right, the Queen would offer you a wide range of cases both more difficult and frustrating.

Something felt off about today's meeting to you, however. Dare you say that even Ida was acting rather peculiar.

In all honestly, he was, in fact, reacting to the stale atmosphere with the utmost precaution. It was as if something among these hallways seemed to threaten him greatly, and because of that, he kept both you and himself thoroughly guarded.

It wasn't at all hard to read Ida from your experience. Others would of course say otherwise, but you found the subtle change in his attitude glaringly obvious. He made little to none attempt to hide it, either.

In your opinion, Ida was a great butler. Loyal, intelligent, hard-working, honest, protective; he had it all. However, the one thing he lacked was observation skills, a fatal prowess that would offer great importance if not absent.

But despite all that, you couldn't help but pick up on his caution toward the presence of such an odd creature. You were sure that it could only mean one thing. A demon toppling Ida's strength tenfold was meandering the flow of the vast corridors at this very second, and the anxious glance thrown your way by none other your butler confirmed that much.

As the large polished mahogany doors came into sight, you pat down your lengthy dress and twirled a gradually flattening lock of hair around your finger, wanting to appear slightly more presentable in the face of royalty.

You nodded at the servant deemed both guide and doorman, to which he dipped his head respectively and pulled open the large doors in a hushed creak.

"Your Majesty," The servant began loudly with a bow, awaiting the Queen's attention. When gained along with the silence of the chatty guests, he continued his sentence in a more formal tone. "I announce the arrival of Lady (Y/N) (L/N) of the (L/N) estate and the (C/N) company."

A set smile slipped onto the Queen's pale lips and she nodded toward the servant beside you who hurriedly sauntered away.

"Miss (Y/N)." Her Majesty greeted in a soft tone that suggested her age patently. "It has been so long since I have last seen or heard of you. How have you been?"

You returned the gesture, wreathed in smiles. "I've been doing well, Your Majesty. You have been coping well also, I hope?"

She nodded and the corners of her lips upturned further. "Yes, I have. Thank you for asking. I do hope you enjoy the meeting."

"Why thank you, Your Humbleness. I shall take my leave now. Do stay well." You snatched the soft fabric of your dress once more and dipped into a final curtsy before ambling away with Ida beside you.

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