ch.8 - watch it burn

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Autumn had come early this year.

It was halfway through October when the leaves began to brown upon the deciduous trees, when the air began to crisp.

A single day blurred into a month, a month into two, two into a year.

Time passed so quickly nowadays that it was hard to keep up.

Rather than busy and deft like time had been, life was still. How could it move when someone so precious had dissipated from this world?

Someone so wronged, so misunderstood.

His entire being imbedded itself so deep inside both your brain and your heart that you found yourself utterly unable to sleep.

Thoughts of him kept you awake at night.

His hair, his lips, his nose, his eyes, his voice, his skin; you could almost touch and hear them.

Soft, flawless, flawed, breaking, quietening, bleeding.

He was whole then. He was broken now.

Mutilated, self-conscious, wary, insomniac, liar, betrayer, sickening, slayer.

That's what that said about him. He was all they seemed to talk about.

Even after a year, the chatter failed to die down.

Everywhere you turned, everywhere you looked, they would be there. Whispering. Always.

'They say he cheated early into the marriage.'

'Forgery? He stole someone's identity?'

'He killed them all? How awful!'

'It was patricide for sure.'

'He only had to open his mouth to lie.'

'He murdered his little brother?'

'He deserved to be tortured.'





The words coiled around you, suffocating, ineffable, unceasing.

'I heard that his wife's a whore, too.'


'Lynch her.'

'I saw her use magic once. She's most certainly a witch.'

'Didn't she try to help him cover up the murder cases?'


'She deserves to rot in hell with him.'

'Send her off to the gallows already.'

'Kill her.'

Misunderstood. You were just like him.

Jim Macken, your wonderful husband.

You, too, had committed not a single crime. You, too, had been framed, blamed and shamed.

You, too, were to die from lynching. You, too, were laughed at. You, too, felt humiliated, confused and wronged.

Why him? Why me? Why us?

It was all their fault.

You'd drag them all to hell with you.

This is your fault. This is your fault. This is your fault. This is your fault.

You'd watch the whole village burn if you had to.

You'd watch the place you met your one and only love dissipate into ashes like he had.

All for him.

So as you stood upon the tall wooden build with the rope around your neck, you grinned.

Because in three seconds flat, this entire town rigged with the best explosives in the country would blow.





short but intense?

I read angst before this. sorry oops haha

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