London Eye II

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A few seconds has passed and Alice was back to normal. No signs of scars and black goo were nowhere to be found, just as if nothing ever happened. Her burning screams had broken the full-length mirror. Sharp reflected pieces were lying all over the naked and molded wooden floor.

"Am I going insane?", wondered to herself. This can't be real, but in fact, it certainly does feel real. She's been there before, that's for sure, although she can't quite recall all those strange figures she's been seeing. That freaky, hell-ish place was offering her some type of welcoming hospitality. She looked down to her white dress; everything was perfectly fine.
"But I really felt it, I felt my flesh burning..", she kept talking to herself. Could this be a sign of pure madness? Then, every single one of us is indeed mad. Perhaps, we're all mad here..
Determined to find out what is happening to her, she decided to take a walk near the port where the London Eye was built at. Unfortunately, a crowd full of people was blocking her sight. Gloomy London started looking even gloomier that specific day.
"Excuse me, don't mind me asking but what is happening over there?", asked Alice, a confused look overtook her now dead looking facial features. Her green eyes had lost their lively color and her eye bags felt heavy and bruised, sore as well. She tried searching for the London Eye, but there was no sign of it, hence why she had exclaimed her curiosity outloud.
"It's gone, that piece of crap is gone! Feels like all hell broke loose!"
"Hell broke loose? What do you mean by that?", she asked that poor bald man standing right next to her. She could hear and feel his heart trying to break free right out of his ribs. Everyone was panicking.
"It was well right in its place, unbelievable! I was part of the crew who made it. I wouldn't let myself sleep knowing that something like this would actually occur one gloomy, bloody day! We used way too many nails to make sure it would stay in its rightful place.. unbelievable!", replied the man, his hands were shaking full of tremor just waiting for the worse to come.

"Could it be that someone's behind that tremendous act? Sounds impossible that this could be done all al--"
"I don't know! I don't know! I don't know! I don't know! I don't know! I don't know! Don't wanna know! Don't wanna know!". The poor elderly man had lost his mind for sure. He started scratching the top of his bald head with his roughly eaten fingernails. Soon enough, blood started running down his forehead and into his eyes, blinding him. Surprisingly, the blood was gone. Black goo had started taking over those bloody parts. The man's eyes were crying sticky and hot black goo, melting his skin away.
"Oh my God..."
She ran her hands onto her head, holding onto it tightly. Her lungs were filled with toxic fumes, she wanted to scream until the point she could explode.
"No! Please, for the love of God!"
"The clock is ticking Alice.."
"...tick tock goes the clock..."
"...tick tock, the time's about to come!"
Alice raised her head high and looked at the sky. It was bloody red and black goo was raining down onto the ground and everyone's helpless figures. They were all screaming in pain as they were tearing their skins off. All hell broke loose, after all. The elderly man couldn't help himself and started scratching his face until his fingernails fell off. His ghastly and horrifying screams of despair were muted as his flesh was melting away into a puddle of black goo. Cries of help had deafen our poor Alice. She screamed ever so loudly she could have sworn she could cough up blood. And so she had done, she was choking on her very own blood. She couldn't talk properly, only gargles would come out of her pale and chapped lips. Her mind couldn't function right, she was burning alive!
"P...rrease...", she cried outloud.
Last thing she knew she was laying down unconsious onto the concrete and stoney road. Everyone was standing around her, trying to provide some type of medical help. Fortunately, there was a nurse presend and offered her the best she could to keep her safe and sound.
"Tsk tsk, that poor girl has definitely lost her mind!", exclaimed an old lady who was right next to Alice. Her stinky breath was rather nauseous and Alice's guts had twisted themselves into a knot.
"She should be locked away in a psychiatric room!"
"She's been through so much tragedy and horror.. I'm indeed amazed she could survive all that freakery."
"Maybe it would have been much easier for her to have burned to ashes just like her whole family did."
Everyone around her was bad-mouthing her. She ended up looking like a filthy rat in the streets of London. All those unfortunate events have surely made her look like the victim of a never-ending story. But sooner or later, she would get her joyful revenge. This is not the end.

"Alice.. we're waiting.. come now child, before it is too late for tea time!"

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