My Cinderella Story

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HEY THERE my little lovlies :) <3

I hope you like my story! Tell me what you think!!

Please don't judge though :)


I miss the days that we were best friends, I thought to my self as I saw the baddest bad boy in the school walk in, his hair slightly blown by the wind of the motor cycle.  I wish I could forget how we could become so far apart from each other, juding by the fact that we used to be so close that we were like twins.


I walked into my party with my best friend, Sophia.  I saw Aiden, leaning against the wall.  I smiled, and made my way over to him.  NO, I do not like him.  He is like my brother.

"Hey, Alexis.  How are you?"  He asked, pushing off the wall he was leaning against.  "Fair, I guess.  Better now that I see you, bro." I smiled at him.  He had been drinking, I could smell it.  "Well, you wanna play a game with me and my other bros?"  He asked.

"Yeah, I guess.  Soph, you want to play?"  She smiled, and said "What ever.  As long as we get to hang with Aidepoo''  She gave Aiden the nick name Aidepoo when we were kids. 

He glared at her.  ''Okay, Soph.''  He said this with mock enthusiasm.

We all laughed, and walked over to the big circle of drunk guys and girls.  We sat next to each other, and spun the empty 2 liter soda bottle.  "Ahh, Aiden," One of the girls said.  Oh Bloody Hell, here we go.

This girl was known for giving sexual dares.  I knew Aiden would never pick truth, so I wasn't surprised when I heard him say ''Dare'' with a huge smirk.

"Okay, then.  I dare you to make out with your 'best friend', Alexis."  They could see the shock on my face as they said this.  I had my mouth in a huge 0, as I heard him say "Hell no! I aint kissing that!", My heart broke.

I left that house, and I heard Sophia after me.  Then, Aiden screamed, "Hey, babe, can you blame me?  Would you kiss you if you weren't you?"  I heard everyone laugh as I began my walk to my house, 20 miles away.


I still remember that night years ago, when he became a bad ass.  I remember when he said he was sorry.  ''Well, in this case sorry definately won't cut it.  You may have earned yourself an ego, but guess what you've lost? Me."

I know, that was harsh. But what he did to me was even worse.  He broke my heart, and I know that my comment didn't break his, so technically, he was WAY more harsh to me.  I just looked at him smirking at the malibu barbie in his arms, and he looked at me, smirk disapperaing.  I saw something in his eyes.  Was it... guilt?  Regret?  Pain? Sorrow? It couldn't be, because a secend later he was smirking at the girl again, and they started making out.

I turned around, and I felt the tears fall down my cheeks.  I turned back, feeling eyes on me.  He looked at me and saw that I was crying, and this time he couldn't put the smirk back on his face.  He looked at me, and said something to the people he was with, and walked towards me.  I did the first thing that came to my mind: I ran.

I heard him calling my name, but I didn't listen, dodging the students and ran straight into the girls bathroom.  I had been texting this unknown guy through some mail room for quite some time now, and I really liked him.

I was the nerd of the grade, the young one.  I had no one in my life, except Sophie, in my mind.  Sophie was killed in a car accident.  The driver was her aunt, and she was drunk.  Sophie died 1 week later, her aunt dying right there.  Sophie's whole body was burned, and there was no one there to pull her out for up to 5 minutes. She slowly burned under the furious flames of the dashboard.  The driver in the other car lived, but is in jail for the rest of his life due to voluntary man slaughter, or something like that.

The police said that the driver got in an argument with his wife, and he left to a bar or something, got drunk, and wanted to kill himself.  He wanted to crash into a tree, and he said that everything looked green.  The cops could have been lying, but I don't think so.

So I was almost completely alone.  At least I have family, I thought.  A crazy step mom and 2 ANNYOYINGLY DISRESPECTFUL GIRLS who THINK they're totally popular, when guys don't give them a second look.  Actually, they don't even give them a first look, they're THAT bad.

I am no American Beauty, but these two try so hard.  Their mother is even worse.  She has so many lipo's and tanning meds and plastic suregeons that she looks like a sewer version of malibu barbie.

I walked to the other side of the bathroom to the paper towels, and I blew my nose into it.  When I gathered myself, I walked out of the bathroom, and I heard someone call my name.  It was Aiden Brown.

"What?"  I put as much venom into that as I could.  "Sorry, princess.  I didn't know that you hated me.  I thought that we were best friends."   He said, trying to play it off as being indifferent, but I saw it in his eyes that he was sad about this.

"Well, we were.  I really cared about you, and you weren't even drunk when you said what you did.  I can't believe after all this time you actually have the nerve to come up to me and talk to me again, as if nothing has changed."

"Well, nothing has, princess." he said sadly, as no one else was in the hall, he didn't have to keep up the bad boy act.  "Everything has changed.  Sophie is gone! You were a jerk to me! You have had 100000000 girls hanging off of you since then! You used to be such a good guy! What happened to you?"

I saw how he flinched.  "I grew up."  He said, trying to take a dramatic exit.  "Wait.  So, you are saying that you grew up from me?"  I asked him in disbelif.  "We are going to be late, princess," and with that, he was gone.   "Huh, leaving me again."  I mumbled and stomped off.  He makes me so mad.

When I walked into class, everybody turned to stare at me.  I blushed slightly, and I sat down.  I felt a note hit my back, and knew who it was.


~*~Hey lovlies !! C:

I hope you like the story!


Shout me out!

I WILL return the favor someday!!!!

And, for the drumroll:

Should she get with the bad boy?

Should she be friends?

Should she forgive him?


Does she like Matt?


Have a good day!!!!! :)

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