Matt's Note

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Hey Lovlies <3

So I am going to apologize for not making this update sooner! 

Life just gets in the way :/

I went out with my BEST FRIENDS <3

Well, some of them :/

This chapter is dedicated to @Sunshine_1475 for being my first online friend!! <3

I hope you like it!! I have rewrote this chapter several times so.. yeah :/







I turned around to see a pissed off Matt.  This can't be good.

I pick the note up off of the floor, and I read it.

Who do you think that you are?

Who do I think that I am? Well, I think that I am Alexis Taylor, 5'8, brunette, green eyed, and weirdly alone.  Who are you?  I wrote back, wondering what he was going to say.  He took a long time.

Cut the crap .  What do you think that you are doing to Aiden?  If you are half as smart as your grades show, you will stay away from Aiden.  Or else.

Or else what? You are going to hit me?

I was honestly a little afraid of his answer.  After a second, I heard him laugh.  

"Something funny, Mr. Smith?" 

I heard him clear his throat with obvious annoyance.  "No sir.  Just a little sick this after noon.  Sorry,'' He said with a smirk.  "Very well, Mr. Smith.  You will know enough to not make this same mistake again, correct?''

''Yes sir, I will,'' he said, with girls giggling like animals from all directions.  "Please, come on.  I am trying to learn here.  Keep the stupidness to a minimum.''  I growled, and felt the paper hit my back again.

Look, you don't want to know what I am going to do to you if you don't.  You don't deserve to hurt him the way you did again.  So stay AWAY.

Okay, I see what you are saying.  So, I hurt HIM, right?  You don't even know what he has done to me, and I don't plan on snitching, so if you throw this back and I ignore you, don't say I didn't warn you.  Have a nice life.

I hoped with all my might that he didn't get mad, or constantly bug me, or spread rumors about me, like I am a person that likes to lie to get my way or something.  

The bel had rung, right when I was getting into a happier place.  But then I realized it was time to face the crowded hallways filled with sweaty old teenagers by myself again.

It was then that I felt a hand grab my arm and yank me into a jantors closet.  I saw who it was after a long time of confusion.  

''What is wrong with you, Aiden?! Why did you have to drag me into a closet to... what are you doing?"  I asked as he stared at me quite angrily.  

"Well, I was trying to apologize to you for being a jerk to you, and about Matt.  I didn't want him to do that to you.  I am really actually sorry."  He said, and for a second, I believed him. Then I saw the smirk on his face. 

"Babe, you actually believed me.  I could see it in your eyes.  You actually believed me.  This.  Is.  Rich."  He began laughing so hard, he clutched his stomach and doubled over laughing.  


"FIRST of all, DON'T CALL ME BABE.  I AM NOT YOUR 'BABE'. SECOND of all, I DID NOT believe you, what you saw there was hurt."  I said, and before I knew it, he was completely silent and I was glaring at him.  "What, you don't think that hurt?  I had to sit in the hospital while we were finding out that Sopie was dying, and I watched you come in drunk with your arm around some new... girl every single day, making out with a new girl DRUNK OUT OF YOUR MIND, GOING HOME DRIVING DRUNK!! Do you want to know why I hate you so much, other than your stupid remark that night about that dare?  When you found out Sophie died, of course you were drunk, you LAUGHED and screamed WHO CARES and then pointed to  me and guess what you said?"

No answer.

"You pointed to me and said I hope you are next and almost killed you and that other girl in an accident.  Your mom probably told you this, and if she didn't, that is the reason why I hate you so much.  So, have a good life."

I walked to the door of the janitors closet feeling low.  I felt like this was a fresh cut on my heart.  I had almost gotten out of the fairly large janitors closet when I heard him say "Stop lying."

I turned around so fast it probably made his head spin.  "I am not lying.  That is what you did.  And I didn't tell Matt about it either, even though he was threatining me.  So do me a favor and leave me alone. Like everyone else, ignore me and act like I don't exist or have any feelings.  Goodbye, Aiden.'' 

I said this, and left him staring at me in shock by what I just said.  "Wait."  I heard him begin, and I couldn't believe what he said next.


Hey Lovlies!! <3

I am so so so so SO sorry that I took so long!!

How is the cliff hanger that I put there??????? :)



I love you my little Lovlies <3 :) 

I will put the cast up soon!!

See you <3


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