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Yes landon! In my heart i replied him. His voice that was calm and could make the angels in heaven get jealous. I walked pass him, and heard my name fade in his mouth, lost and gone. His smile that could brighten up my day. But i had to be strong, tough, and mean for me to forget him. But just how? How could i forget my first crush? The first guy i ever hugged in my life. Sadness felt my heart, as i walked to my table. He was right infront of me how would i ignore him for 20min?  Salsa knew what was happening so she gave me all the support i needed.
I sat down on my chair , and looked towards salsa, "freaking history, i couldnt undersand VASCO DE GAMA' s topic, i explained to salsa".
" me too, we should go to MRS. for more explanation, salsa said".
"Me three, i couldn't understand, landon added".

"Diamond may speak to you after this class?, landon said".

"Whatever! If am not busy, i said".

Salsa's p.o.v

Dude! I get the fact your mad at Mr. Handsome, but that was brutally mean. Oh, come on what if all this wasn't true, you will look like a complete idiot, fool!, listen to me and reduce your anger yemi! Dont be a fool.

Diamond's p.o.v

With all due respect i prefer being a fool, rather than being nice to that THING you call a PERSON.
Do you know how sa.... shitz

"Goodmorning student, ms jessica cut me off, and ms yemi! Goodmorning".

Ms. Jessica p.o.v

Whoa! Looks like you have alot to say, to your friend. You kept whispering, do you mind sharing with the class?

"No no no ms. Just alittle gossiping, i said".


Landon's p.o.v

Yemi! May i see you now.

"Am here right? So speak, diamond said".

Why you mad at me? I could see your attitude towards me changed. Did i upset you somehow?

"Are you done? Am kind of busy, diamond said".

What is wrong with you! What's tough that your taking personal. Sorry yemi but am pretty going to shout at you. What's your problem. If this has to be with jade, i would be freaking pissed of.

Diamond's p.o.v

Landon, dont you dare raise your voice at me! You aint my freaking dad! Yea it has to do with jade so be pissed off. Let me freaking tell you something, if you die now, all the money i saved for my prom i would use it to go clubbing to celebrate your death. So please leave me alone! And go to jade. After all i mean nothing, nothing to you.

"What do you mean diamond? Ugh answer, what is all this suppose to mean? Landon said".

I walked out. As i really hated landon with passion.

Yemi! Yemi, i could hear my hear my name fading away from his mouth. But i kept on moving.

I rushed to toilet to let my tears flow. In pain i sat on the floor tearing up, like they aint a tomorrow.

"Open you freaking door, a girl in the toilet said".

Jade p.o.v

I opened the toilet door and it was diamond, she looked pale, sad, red, and full of pain. I walked up to her.

"Diamond whats up, i said".

"Am fine, i dont want to talk about it, diamond said".

Did you remember , when we met. We bumbed into each-other.

"Yea i remembered clearly, but i regretted the person being you, i regretted knowing you jade, i regret being your friend, said diamond".

Me too i regret knowing you diamond! But what's done is done. You cant change what happened.

"Jade you dumb brat! Do you mind leaving me alone, said diamond".

Diamond i know why your mad. It has to do with landon, either he broke with you, or you broke with him. Anyway i just want to tell you something. I didnt want to tell you but, there is no point keeping it to myself anymore as i hate landon now.

"Freaking don't tell me any damn thing, said diamond".

I wont...
Do you know why i broke up with landon?

"He wasn't your type, replied diamond, standing up".

Yes and no! But i gave up on landon for three reasons. Yea firstly he wasn't my type, secondly i wanted our friendship back. And thirdly he.....

"Diamond fell on the ground".

Yo! Diamond! Yemi stand up, wake up!
Omggg! What do i do, i rushed and called a teacher.

Mrs. Lin A student fainted in the toilet..


End of chapter 8!

What happened to diamond? Why did she faint?
What did jade wanted to tell her? What is going to happen to landon? How will landon react when he hears what happens to diamond? Find out in the next chapter.... chapter 9!!!

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Ok guys thanks for everything you guys have done. I really appreciate. God bless you. My story IT WASNT LOVE was #941 ranked in short story omg!! I was really happy about that am really greatful  for your support i love you soo much...

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