chapter 33

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Diamond's pov

Magnus are you ok?
Babe! Listen if you didn't get it, it's alright. Don't freaking stress, what's done is done, what's the point of stressing? You can't change anything other than add to the problems on ground, your mom would understand, if you can't wait a year, my mom can find a school in Florida after  six (6) months you can write another IGCSE, that's better than nothing right? It's alright! Babe!
Magnus Bane, are freaking listening to me!

" What, what were you talking about, Magnus said'

Oh f*ck it, I have been talking for the past minutes and you didn't get any of that! Let's break up? Did you hear that?

I looked at Magnus and he was crying!
Magnus no I was kidding, we won't break up, ok am not helping am I? Magnus what's your result? I took his paper and looked at him.

' diamond, what, Jassy asked'

I jumped on Magnus! And started screaming, he got a scholarship! His marks are all "A" although his french, was really horrible!

Magnus looked at me, and gave me a kiss on my forehead, we hugged each other and we all went to a nearby cafe to celebrate!

While we were walking there, Magnus held my hands, and said we did it!

Magnus' pov

We did it babe! Firstly we got a scholarship to a great school, and secondly we are together! Still strong! Omg! We are moving to US soon! Omg! Let's make plans, let's travel, omg!

Diamond's pov

Babe! Stop acting like a girl! At this rate, they would be two drama queen in this relationship! But we traveling to US, ok that deserves a shout-out!

' our relationship deserves a shout-out, MAGNUS Said'

Of course it does! Am happy to ruin my college years with you.

' what you mean, MAGNUS Said'

Oh you will see.

We went to the restaurant and we all sat down and ordered.

' ok guys! The meal is on me, salsa Said'

F*ck no, holy Jesus! Salsa did you steal your mom's credit card, holy Jesus!!

' no I did not, I just borrowed it, salsa replied'

Holy Mary! It's ok the meal is on Landon.

' oh yeah that works too, salsa Said'

' what the fuck, I didn't volunteer, Landon Said'

Landon said order whatever you want he will pay.

' diamondddddddd, I said no such, Landon Said'

He said you can have take away too.

' ok I will just shut up now, Landon Said'

Yeah it's about time!

We all ate and talked about how we met, our first impression on each ( refer to chapter 1 for more) .

' Sneh how's Landon treating you, hows life, do you like our gang Jade asked'

Sneh's p.o.v
Landon well he has been of great help. His sweet kind and fun loving, he has been there as long as I call on him. But of course this opportunity wouldn't be possible to get if not for diamond, thanks for crying to make me laugh, I appreciate you. Well your gang, y'all sure are gangsters judging from having diamond as your gang leader, but honestly thank you guys for accepting me. Without you guys I would probably fail IGCSE.

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