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"Where is she?!" A frantic reddish brown curly haired girl questioned the nurse in the counter as she smashes her hands unto the table to try to get the nurse's attention, the sudden outburst of the girl made the nurse flinch.

"W-who ma'am?" The nurse stuttered as she sweats, already getting nervous by the girl's actions.

"(Y/n) of course! The one that just came in! I have no time just tell me for goodness sake!" The girl practically shouted, as tears are already forming on her green brown eyes. The nurse nodded as she types away (Y/n)'s name in the computer. After hitting Enter (Y/n)'s info popped out.

"R-room 314 floor 3"

The girl ran going to the said room, not wasting any time, she even bumped through crowding patients, and even pushed herself through the elevators.

'Room 314, finally' she thought. Her shaking hands reached for the door knob, already hesitating to open it. She gulped, slowly opening the door. A faint beeping sound from a machine echoed through the room, the girl was shook at the sight. Under the white sheets is no one other that her best friend, (Y/n).

"What h-happened?" She questioned nurse who happens to be also in the room checking (Y/n)'s vital signs.

"She was found on the park, apparently a blunt object hit her head, and maybe that had caused blood to clot on inside her brain, but we don't really know until the results came out, for now she is currently under comatose"

"N-no way.." The girl mumbled, too overwhelmed from what she heard. The nursed walked towards her, softly patting her shoulders, hoping that it will somehow comfort her.

"Don't worry, we will do our best" The nurse tries to assure her, then finally left the room leaving the girl with (Y/n) in the room.

The girl tucked her reddish brown hair behind her ears, she took out her phone and dialed a few numbers.

"Niaki, (Y/n)'s here, she's.. under comatose"

"W-what?! How?!"

"Just come here with the others, I.. I don't know if I can handle this, I'll just text you the room number"

Lily's POV

This is all too sudden, like, how did this happen really?

I looked at her, watching her abdomen rise and fall, machines and tubes just stucked inside of her. I can't really do anything right now, all I can do is just wait, and hope that the doctors can help her.

Suddenly a knock ended my trance, it must be them.

I opened the door, revealing Niaki, Aisaka, and Katie standing outside. Aisaka immediately jumped in with tears in her eyes.

"What the hell happened? Where is (y/n)?! Is she okay?! Will she make it?!" Aisaka bombarded me with questions, and now practically shouting.

"Shh! Quiet down would you?" Katie scolded Aisaka with a strict tone.

"Honestly Aisaka, people are looking at us, it's embarrassing" Niaki sighed at Aisaka's actions.

They went inside as Niaki closed the door. All of us four gathered around (y/n)'s bed, pain and pity was visible in our faces, as our bestfriend is just there, laying down unconscious and we can't really do anything about it.


A sudden ring interrupted our trance. All of use looked at eachother, waiting for someone to check on their phones, but we knew that it was an unfamiliar ring. We all looked at eachother we were all confused on where the sudden ring came from.

"Who owns that? Katie is that yours?" Aisaka questioned.

Katie checked on her phone, making sure that it wasn't really hers.

"It's not mine"


I looked at where it might came from, by (Y/n)'s bed there is a small table, and her phone is just there all this time.

"I-is that (Y/n)'s phone?" Katie stuttered

I slowly walked towards it and slowly pick it up from the table as it made another ring. It was unusual that it frequently rings, as I know (Y/n) only chats or texts with us four including her parents. Niaki, Aisaka and Katie went beside me as we recognized the visible scratches and cracks at (Y/n)'s phone. I pressed the button to make the phone unlock. The phone is all cleaned up, there are no apps except for one..

"Mystic Messenger?"


"I just want her here"

"You know that's just being selfish"

Saeran snarled at Saeyoung's answer, he knows that he can't just turn off his computer for Saeyoung would just easily hack it on again, that's how his brother is much better than him, it was always him, he was always the better one, while Saeran was just nothing in the eyes of many.

"How can I be the selfish one?! If I will follow the story line.." Saeran paused at the thought.

"I know bu-"

"Shut up! For sure if I will follow the story line of this fucking system she will never be mine, she will just be played by all of you! Will I get the chance? NO! I will always be branded as the bad guy!"


Saeran just look down in just utter pain, he knows that (Y/n) will die here, she doesn't belong her, (Y/n) is a living human being and Saeran is just codes in a game, (Y/n)'s existence is not allowed here, the system will crumble as this wasn't really supposed to happen, and eventually..

"We will all die" Saeyoung somehow finished Saeran's thoughts.

Saeran just gritted his teeth.



Saeran looked at the screen with tears streaming down on his face.

" I SAID NO!" Saeran picked up the chair he was sitting on and crashed it unto his computer.

"She's mine"


"Shit" Saeyoung muttered under his head as he massaged his temples. He doesn't know what to do, since he can't convince his brother to let (Y/n) home.

"Ahhhhhh what should I dooo?!"

Suddenly he thought of getting (Y/n) by force, since he knows where the Mint Eye is, maybe he can get (Y/n), but he knows that he can't do it alone. He reached out his phone and dialed a few numbers.

"Eyyyyy Jumin my man! If you really want me to stay away from elly then could you do me a favor?"


You're Mine (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now