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Saeran's POV

Her screams are just music to my ears, her shrieks of pain is just harmonious. I need her to stay here I'll do what it takes, even if I have to brainwash her, or just endlessly torture her. Yes, I'm getting much more desperate.

She looked at me blankly, her once sparkling (e/c) eyes are now just dull and lifeless, and I think it's just beautiful.

I have been torturing her for almost a week, I think that would be enough for a feeble mind like hers.

"Get up" I demanded as she lies down on cold floor. She immediately got up, I grinned. Finally I went through that thick skull of hers.

"Come on, let's go"

"S-saeran" She barely whispered, but enough for me to hear.


(Y/n)'s POV

The pain is just unbearable, those days of none stop pain is just a nightmare, I am even surprised that I am still alive after all of that.

He looks at me after I barely called him, still surprised that I was able to speak, my throat is all coarse from all the screaming.

"I-I am sorry"

My eyes widen from what he just said. Did he just really said sorry to me? A merciless bastard that tortured me said sorry?


"I said sorry okay?! Just stay and it won't happen again!" he shouted, his voice echoed through the corridors.

My mouth was just agape, we just stared at eachother for a couple of seconds. He then looked away barely blushing from embarrassment.


I agreed to stay, to be imprisoned. Did his beatings really get through me? Well, I don't really want to get tortured again that's for sure.

He then started walking at a very fast pace. I tried to catch up, but he is just walking too fast I can't catch up to him, and my leg hurts, I barely have the mobility to walk.

He stopped walking and suddenly turned around.

"Tch, can't you go faster?" He said impatiently

"I'm sorry, it's just that.. my legs" I whimpered

"I don't really care if your legs got hurt or even got amputated, just move quickly!"

"Saeran!" a new voiced shouted, it was a woman's voice. Saeran suddenly got stiffed.

"Shit" he mumbled.

Footsteps came closer, and closer, until it emerges from the dark hallway, judging from the voice, yes, she is a woman, she is quite small, like I can say that I am much more taller than her, she has long blonde curly hair, green emerald eyes, but there is something weird about her eyes, it's like Saeran's but much more dead, like it has no life in it.

"Where have you been?! I've been looking for you for days! And you were just here moping again? Have you still not learned?!" She scolded Saeran, and Saeran is just there, looking down, ashamed.

"I'm so sorry my saviour, it's just-" her eyes went to me and raised a brow.

"Who is this girl? And what is she doing here" 'saviour' asked Saeran.

"S-she's the girl"

"What girl?!"

"The girl with a free will"

Free will? What is he talking about?

"What!?" She shouted at Saeran, making him quiver much more

"What are you doing? You were supposed to kill her! You do know the consequences of her just breathing here!"

Kill me? Consequences?

"N-no! I don't want her to die!" Saeran looked up, with tears now forming in his eyes, now it just painful to see him like this. The woman slightly gasped.

"So be it, you want to keep her? Then take care of her!" she then immediately left.

Saeran is still there, not moving from is spot, head down, but I can still hear him whimper. I slowly walked towards him and gently tapped his shoulder.

"S-Saeran, what was that?" I asked

"Please.. I beg you, please don't leave me" he whispered


Suddenly, he hugged me and cried unto my shoulders like a child, I was taken back of his sudden actions. He just cried and cried, and I just comfort him, trying to calm him down.

All of these things that just happened is just confusing me.

"Please (y/n) whatever happens, just please, don't leave me"


Sorry for the long absence! Was just really busy.  But still thank you for supporting the story! I wouldn't really expect so many people to love my works *sniffs* Waaaaaah I'm crying! T^T

To make it up to you guys, who wants to be part of the story?! (it will be in the next two chapters) You guys will be the important keys to the story!

Just comment down your,



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