Yoonmin chapter 1

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yoongi was awake now. for sure.

he was also drenched, but that was beside the point.

his sister was standing over him, bucket in hand, gazing at yoongi with part fear and part smug asshole. she always did this kind of crap to him on the weekend, and she almost always got away with it. but not this time.

oh no, this time, he was going to get her so bad, she'd never do this again. ever.

"mom! lili dumped water all over my bed!" lili bolted out of the room, probably to go hide the evidence and prepare a counter.

"deal with it yoons!"

yoongi sighed, and sat up. welp, at least he tried.

when he sat up, he remembered what had happened last night. 

the argument with namjoon, his kiss with jimin. everything stupid little thing.

he laid right back down. what the fuck had he been thinking. 


"go home yoongi, you're wasted."

"you go home joon."

yoongi could hardly stand and was on the verge of blacking out. 

jimin was there, and he looked concerned. yoongi just wanted to smack him and kiss him at the same time. how dare he be so cute and worried.

namjoon was really sick of yoongi's shit.

"min yoongi. i will physically fuck you the fuck up if you don't get in the fucking car. for fucksake, its almost 3 o'clock, just get in the fucking car."

"fuck off losers,"

 yoongi walked back into the club for another drink, jimin right behind him.

--end flashback--

yoongi threw himself back on the bed.

how could he have been so irrationa,  and mean too. it was like he'd been a completely different person.

even different from his usual drunk side. he hid under the covers, and decided to not go out today.

"mom, i think i'll stay home today. i don't feel too well."

"okay yoongi, just make sure to talk to namjoon to make-up your work."

yoongi didn't think he'd be doing that any time soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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