Chapter 5.

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After the, "Take care of it." Incident, Ian started to think. Maybe he wasn't good enough for Mickey. He was bipolar, and of course he didn't want to tell Mickey. Why would he? So Mickey could look at him like some freak who needed meds. The red headed kid who needed pills. This was best. He was saving Mickey. Ian walked close to the boy and saw the smile that spread on the others lips. He tried to give a fake smile and when Mickey went to go kiss him, he pulled away, tears filling his eyes."Mick...I can't see you anymore. It's not right." He took another step back and he saw the tears in Mickey's eyes. Mickey let a few fall and he tried to touch him."Ian don't do this." Mickey spoke soft,barely audible. He whimpered and when Ian moved away he looked away. Maybe he didn't deserve love. He didn't deserve to be with Ian. That's why he didn't fight. He didn't try to stop him because he knew Ian deserved better.
      "Mickey I'm so-" Ian went to apologize but Mickey stopped him."Get the fuck away from me. Fuck you, Gallagher. I don't need your pity." He backed up."Mickey it's not like that." He said softly and Mickey shook his head, moving further away."You fucking come near me and I will knock the teeth out of your head." He said in a dangerous tone, although knowing that he wouldn't hurt him. He laughed sadly."Don't know why I'm crying over you like some bitch." He shook his head and walked off, going to his tent. He closed it and lit a cigarette, the smoke filling his lungs. He knew it was bad and would kill him some years later, but he didn't care. Honestly. He was Mickey Milkovich. No body gave a goddamn shit.
      The moment Ian saw Mickey cry he knew he had made a mistake in leaving the Milkovich. Not because he threatened him or because Mickey was the toughest bastard here. It was because Mickey cried, and Mickey didn't cry unless something hurt him, really bad. And Ian, Ian got him to fucking break.
    "All Sargent's move for training! Go go go go!!" One of the men yelled and Ian grabbed his gun and back pack, starting to run with the rest of them. Mickey did the same, and when they stopped in front of the lake he sighed. He kept his posture straight and made sure to look forward at all costs. "Today you'll be swimming with your back pack, and learning how to swim with an injured soldier. Let's see. Pairs. Winchester and Novak. Novak and Winchester. And, let's see. Milkovich and Gallagher. Mickey groaned and instantly got yelled at."There a problem Milkovich? You and your little faggy boyfriend breakup?" He asked, and Mickey kept his eyes straight."No sir." He yelled back. The Sargent walked off and Mickey got into the water quickly. He groaned quietly at the weight of the back pack and then he felt Ian look at him. He sighed."Hurry the fuck up, Firecrotch." Ian sighed softly and got into Mickey's back. Mickey could take it. He instantly divided into the water whilst holding Ian's hands. He swam faster, hearing the sound of the guns go off. He moved faster, his grip on the Gallagher deathly tight. This would be the last time he would hold the redhead.
   Ian couldn't do this. Though he stayed silent. He didn't know why it was hurting him so much, really. He was the one that left the redhead. He gripped onto him and when Mickey got to the end, far away from everyone else. Mickey let go of him and go to it if the lake, walking away with the backpack."Mickey." Ian called but Mickey ignored it, walking faster. He went to the next station and waited for his "Partner."
   Ian ran to Mickey and Mickey instantly intertwined his fingers, bending down to make a stand for Ian to step on."Go." Ian obeyed and climbed up the wooden wall, and when he got up he held down his hand. Mickey went back at least ten feet and ran, jumping up and gripping onto his hand. Ian pulled him up and Mickey still didn't say anything. When training was over, Mickey went back to his tent and laid back. His back and legs were fuckin sore and he didn't have Ian to be here. He took the boots off and he quickly laid down. He lit another cigarette and watched the stars through the tent opening. Like he and Ian had down before. Mickey laughed and instead of putting the cigarette out in the ashtray, he put it out on his arm, completely used to the burning. His dad did it all of the time, but never on his arms. He burned a few more and put the cigarette out, still laying back. "Gallagher." He huffed and saw Ian's shirt. He grabbed it and put it to his face, starting to cry. Goddamnit he was a bitch.

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