Chapter 1~Kayla's P.O.V

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  • Dedicated to To my little brother(because I couldn't think of anyone else. TO YOU YOUNG LITTL



Being alone, is the worst feeling ever. That feeling when you know nobody cares about you anymore, hits you right in the heart. Ever since the day my parents died I've felt empty. They were the only people that I ever loved. But seeing those people you love so much die right in front of you, their are no words. All I have left our my little brothers, Toby and Matthew who are twins; they look like my parents which makes it even worse.

In the small town of Callance,Oregon; there are no secrets. Everyone knows that my uncle, Cody, beats me. They just decide not to talk about it in front of me. Everyone knows my supposed 'best friend' Jessica makes fun of me. I am incapable of doing anything, like telling the principale that I'm getting bullied. Because the principale is Jessica's mom. Everyone knows a gang member from another town killed my parents right in front of me. No one cared to ask if I was okay, or if I needed anything. Because really, everyone is this town does not give a damn.


"Kayla...Kayla...Kaaaaaayyyyllllaaa?" I feel a weight on my chest. I open my eyes and look up to see one of my baby brothers sitting on my stomach. Toby sits there acting all innocent, but really I know his mischievious plan.

"Yes, Toby?" I ask, going along with his plan. He smiles and puts on the sweetest smile he could muster.

"Can you make me and Matty breakfast. We are really hungry!" I look beside me to see Matty curled up against my side. His eyes are closed shut and his teddy bear pinned to his side. I smile and look up at Toby. "Tob, I don't think Matty really wants breakfast. He's still asleep. If he wakes up, I'll make breakfast." I replied back to him. He widens his eyes and gets off my chest. He wobbles over to Matty and starts shaking him.

"Matty...MATTY!" Toby shouts. Matty still doesn't wake up. Toby then takes Matt's teddy. If you ever and I mean EVER take his teddy bear, you are up for a tantrum or a kick to the balls if you are a guy. Matt's eyes shoot up and look at Toby. His eyelids turn to slits, his caramel colored eyes turning cold. As I watch this, I pray for Toby. God, save him! Matt slowly gets up and stands on his legs, on the wobbly matress. He then looks at Toby, Matty gives a battle cry and tackles Toby. I burst out laughing, while Matt pulls Toby's hair. Toby shrieks and let's go of the bear, Matty quickly takes his bear and smiles happily. Four year olds are too cute.

After I got the twins settled and dressed, I finally figured out the time and realized that it was almost time for me to go to school. So I quickly put on some jeans, a plain purple v-neck, my black combat boots and shoved my hair into a black beanie. I grabbed my bag and the twins and raced out of the house. Thank jesus, Cody was out with his whore girlfriend. I ran to the car, buckled the twins up and headed quickly but safely to Callance Elementary School.

Dropping off the twins, I drove to Callance High School. As soon as I got out of the car, people started to harass me. I'm really used to this, but today it was even worse. In first hour, someone put their exploded soda in my hair. Then in 7th hour someone spray-painted the word FAT ASS on my car window. I went straight to the car wash, I don't need the twins to see that. THEY'RE ONLY FOUR, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

Finishing up the car wash, I went to the twins school and picked them up. They were super excited telling me about their day. I listened, while concentrating on the road. I drove onto the drive-way of the house, finding Cody's car in the small road of concrete. I felt my face pale. I quickly turned to the twins and said to them urgently

"Okay, Toby and Matthew, as soon as I open the door I wan't you to go straight to my room and hide in the closet, alright!" They both nodded their heads and put their bags on correctly for running. They open the backseat doors and I open the driver door. I grab the twins hands. We walk slowly up the drive-way. Taking the keys out of my pocket, I unlock the door. I step inside first and check if Cody is in the living room. Cody only lives in the living room and kitchen, from the past four years I have been living with him. I signal the twins to run. They quickly run up, making a lot of noise, causing Cody to come out of the kitchen. He seems extremely pissed.

"Where the hell have you been!" He roars.

"I've been at school."I respond confidently. That confidence vanishes as soon as Cody laughs.

"The place where they make fun of you, and vandalize your crap. I'm surprised your still alive!" then keeps on laughing. I look away from him, trying to hold back the tears. Finally one slips out of my eyes. I try to hide it but then Cody takes my face in his hands and makes me look into his eyes.

"Why did you turn away from me?" His breath smelled like alcohol

"I don't know." Its good not to talk back to him.

"What do you mean you don't know!" He yells, then slaps me hard across the face, making me drop to the floor. Cody then kicks my ribs, causing me to scream. He hits them over and over again till I know for sure they are broken. He then lifts me up and throws me hard against the hallway wall. Cody looks at me and walks out of the house. Not even muttering a word.

The twins run out of the closet as soon as I step foot in my room. Toby and Matthew cry and cling onto my leg. I reassure them I am fine and carefully took them off my leg. I'm tired of everyone in this town, so I bought some plane tickets incase I ever wanted to leave. I grabbed the tickets and held them.

"What are those?" I looked down to see Matthew curiously observing the tickets. I anwser short and quick.

"Our ticket out of here."

I packed bags full of Toby, Matthew and I's clothes. I made seprate bags for Toby and Matt if they wanted to bring something important. Matty brought his teddy bear of course, while Toby brought his favorite book, Grimms Fairy Tales. The twins asked questions of where we are going. I told them we are going to visit some relatives.

At the airport, security checked us. The boys were brave, not screaming or crying like the other kids were. With the twins hands in my hands, I walk over to the flight attendant and give her the tickets. For some odd reason, I didn't check the tickets of where we are going. But honestly, I don't care! The twins and I boarded the plane and put our bags in the compartments. Matty kept his teddy bear and Toby kept his book out. I buckled them up, then buckled myself up. I go on the my phone and start deleting phone numbers from my phone. I find Cody's, contact right as I'm about to delete the it, a flight attendant spoke on the intercom,

"Please ladies and gentleman, buckle up your seat belts. We are about to lift off."

After that I forgot about everything, cause the only thing on my mind is

I'm finally leaving Callance,Oregon.

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