Septiplier x Child!Reader - Sugar Rush

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Y/A – Your name

*Anything in stars is thoughts*

Mark P.O.V

*Ugh. What time is it?* I roll over to look at my clock. *6:00 a.m., too early. Why am I awake?* I roll over to look at Jack, he's still sound asleep, I sigh and move closer to him, wrapping my arms around his waist, pulling him closer. He smiled in his sleep, moving closer to me. I sighed and closed my eyes. THUMP! My eyes shot open again. *what was that?* THUMP! I heard the patter of feet run past the door. I sat up. Jack stirred next to me, "Mark what are ya doing up so early?" he yawned propping himself up on his elbows. "Listen" was all I said while cocking my head to try to hear what was out in the hall better. He sighed and closed his eyes, tiredly, trying to hear what I heard. All of a sudden there was the patter of feet going past the door again, this time, it sounded like something was dragging behind it. Jack sat up completely. "Mark, that sounds like Y/N." I looked at him, and we both jumped out of bed, hurrying toward the door. I opened it, but saw nothing. I did however, hear giggling coming from Y/N's room. Jack and I hurried down the hallway toward the door. Upon opening it we stared in shock, there on the floor, was Y/N, sitting surrounded by candy wrappers. Their Halloween bag was completely empty, and they were sitting there, playing with the bag, and a couple of their toys.

They looked up at us with the biggest smile on their face, "Daddy! Papa! You're awake! Can you play with me!" they talked really fast and were shaking quite a bit. "Oh fer fucks sake..." I head jack mumble under his breath. "Y/N did you eat all of your Halloween candy? You just got it last night!" jack said, slightly worried, and I could understand why. This child had extreme ADHD, and I they ate all of that sugar, we were goanna be in a whole lot of trouble. "Yes! And it was really good! Will you play with me?! I wanna play! What can we play? Oh I know! We can play Tag! Catch me if you can!" and with that, they ran past us, and down the hall. "Well shit..."

~Time Skip~

"DADDY NOOOOO!" Y/N yelled cackling, and thrashing around, as I threw them over my shoulder. It was 10:00 p.m. we had been chasing this "demon" child all day, trying to catch them. Nothing had worked. They had bounced off the walls, ran around in circles, jumped on all of the furniture, everything you can think of. It was exhausting. Jack and I were both kind of fed up, and extremely tired. We had finally managed to catch them, and we were going to, not literally, tie them into the bed. Jack was already in our room, face planting on the bed. Mumbling under his breath, "Finally. Done. No more. So tired. Fuckin sleep." I chuckled and threw Y/N on top of him, "oof!" I sat down on the bed. "Weeee! Hi Papa! Daddy threw me over his shoulder and brought me in here and threw me! Can I do it again! Can I can I can I can I?! I wanna go again! I wanna go and run some more! I wanna go play some more! Why am I in here! I'm not tired! I don't wanna go.........."

Silence. I looked over at the child to see that they had passed out on Jack's chest. He looked down, smiling, "thank fucking god. I thought they would never calm down." I laughed and laid down next to him, wrapping my arms around the both of them, and pulling the blankets up. "Agreed. Next year though, we're hiding that candy up, and out of reach." "Yes. Never again." And with that we fell asleep.

*>>YAY! This is my first one-shot! What do you guys think? This story is kind of based off my life, even though I've never had a sugar rush before, from candy, I do have ADHD though. The first time I ever tried a Monster Energy Drink, was in band one day before our concert. My friend had one, and she let me have the last little bit of it. Within minutes, I was vibrating, and jumping up and down and talking a hundred miles an hour. I even managed to jump into a wall because I wasn't watching where I was going and was spinning around. It was kind of funny, but two classes later I was still shaking and hyper. I kind of went home that night and crashed hard. So yeah...

Story of my life...

-KatieCat Out!<<*

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