Mess with the bull, you get the Horns

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with a slight bit of hesistation , i quickly swiped my head around to see something i missed.

Whcih, believe me.

it was very hard not to miss.

a big looming figure that growled , its long vine like limbs slowly coming into the light.

a name popped into my mind.


the hound like creature slowly clawed out of the shadows, my eyes adjusting as i glanced with a better veiw of the creature.

the large houndlike beast was said to be a omen of death himself, which was honestly rubbish.

its long, black slender body was decorated with its signature weedlike extesions that doubled as massive hammers and massive had blood shot eyes, its jowls drooling a poisonous jelly likie subatance that was usually clearish yellow, but was now a deep crimson.

a largew wound was imprinted upon its torso, blood seeping down its right arm as it seemed to wince in pain.

i growled, within seconds shooting 4 more arrows, and was now knocking the 5th arrow, bbut held back as its gurgling deep and gravelly voice interrupted the crunching of its bones, interupting its death.

it breathed a laborious breath.

"Seems like your freinds have arrived" it said, and within a seocnd, the 3 people from earlier were running into the room, watching me surpised.

"They are nothing more then quaintances! Under Galactic law, i demand you to state your intentions, or be turnedi nto the Shadow proclomation for further development! State your intentions Jagrafess!" i growled, my fingers resting on the elastic string that now held 3 arrows in one.

it seemed to chuckle, a loud wheeze coming through the air as it tried to limp forward.

"Take any step closer, and everyone within this room ,and the school dies, including me." i growled, and within seconds, the arrows were now lit, trails of flame dancing as i held the bow close to my chest.

"you always were the warrior type Nolie, or should i say Robin Hood. but its no use now, besides, your precious friends are dead!" it laughed, ending with a slight cough.

i glared at it.

"I have no freinds, nor will i ever!" i snered, leting go of the string, and with eyedropping speed, the beast hit the floor, struggling as it clutched itself in pain.

it smiled eeriely at me, uits red teeth causing me to bite my lip.

"You deny that, i dont blame you, a persona as pathetic as you would tend to agree. but i did happen to kill someone... he said his name was.. i dont know... Mr. Gates..?" he said, he teeth grinning causing me to snap.

"take it back" i murmured under my breath.

"Im sorry, i cant hear you." it said, its long claws forming in a an ear shape near its ear.

"I SAID TAKE IT BACK!" i shouted, the beast suddenly taken aback by my sudden change, but quickly going back to its normal self.

it laughed heartily, a shiver sent up my spine as it slowly trudged out of the darkness a bit ,more , its face contorted in pain as it slowly clawed at the ground.

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