Chapter 3: TreshXFoxface

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Somehow lover boy proves his worth and we are able to trap Katniss up a tree. After several somewhat embarrassing attempts to scale the tree and shoot at her we decide to wait her out. She isn't a threat up there with no food, water or weapons. We settle down for the night and I let Marvel, Clove and loverboy hold down the fort while Glimmer and I set out to 'collect some firewood'.

As soon as we're out of sight of the camp I have her pressed up against a tree, hands pinned above her head and my lips devouring hers. She moans into my kiss and bucks her hips against me. Neither one of us wants to waste time away from camp, and the possibility of killing the girl on fire, so her pants and underwear are quickly discarded and mine are pushed down enough for my dick to pop out. I waste no time before hoisting her against the tree and sheathing myself in her.

We don't bother to keep quiet as I pound into her. She is hot and wet and feels so fucking good wrapped around my cock. Her sharp as fuck nails are digging into my scalp and her legs are wrapped tight around my waist, forcing myself even deeper inside of her.

Back at the Career camp

"Jesus fucking Christ they are going at it again!"

Clove's voice echoes, projecting the thoughts that everyone else was feeling. It was bad enough that everyone had to listen to them go at it almost all night, but now they were skirting their duties to go off and fuck in the woods.

"Well it is called the Hunger Games." Marvel chuckles at himself, clearly amused with his little play on words.

Peeta rolls his eyes and goes back to sharpening his spear in the light of the fire.

"Oh please loverboy, like you wouldn't kill to have a piece of ass like Glimmer."

Peeta grunts and doesn't look up.

"No, I like my women pure."

Clove barks out a laugh and Marvel gets an evil glint in his eyes.

"Oh you like virgins huh? I mean what guy doesn't! Tell me, is that why you pretended to have a thing for fire girl? See if you could get lucky before you had to kill her?"

Peeta grips the shaft of his spear so hard that his knuckles turn white and he wonders what the repercussions of just spearing Marvel right between the eyes with it would be. He knows that Katniss is listening to every word they say and chooses his words very carefully.

"I like my women with a little bit of self respect. Obviously something Cato doesn't care for."

This merits a laugh from both Clove and Marvel. The obvious slapping of skin can be heard again and Marvel turns to Clove and raises his eyebrows.

"What'd you say Clove? Why don't we take a page from their book huh?"

Clove gives a conniving smile and Peeta is hoping that she'll agree so he can create a plan for Katniss and him to escape. But as soon as Marvel starts to smirk Clove flicks her wrist and a knife goes flying through the air and lands in the ground right in between marvels legs, centimeters from his family jewels.

She makes an evil cackle at the terrified face that Marvel makes at almost being castrated and goes back to poking the fire.

Fuckin a, Peeta thought to himself. I'm surrounded by a bunch of nymphomaniac psycho idiots.


I manage to go undetected for days, sneaking in and out of the career camp and taking enough to survive, but little enough that it wont be noticed. At this point I know where all the survivors are located and to them I am no more than a brush of the wind as I stealthy avoid them.

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