Chapter 5: GaleXMadge

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I battle with myself every day, whether or not to go into town to watch the games on the big screen the Capitol makes available, and most days I end up going, justified that I will be able to see Katniss again, even if it is the last time. Today I decide to venture in and watch my best friend battle for her life. I about lost my shit when the Careers and baker boy had her caught up that tree, and laughed aloud in glee as she dropped the tracker jacker nest on them and caused the death of that whorish hot as fuck blonde.

When the little girl gets speared and Katniss puts an arrow in one of the Careers neck part of me is glad, at least then Katniss wouldn't have to kill her. After the rule change is announced she finds the Baker's son, who is camouflaged and bleeding out. She manages to clean him up and blushes when he has to strip down so she can wash his boxers. The merchant girls that are watching squeal and chatter as they get a glimpse at a naked Peeta Mellark.

"I told you he would be big," one girl whispers.

"He is sculpted like a god! Look at those muscles!"

I roll my eyes at them; even though the kid is clearly knocking on death's door they are fawning over him and have no shame ogling his naked bits. They are almost as bad as the Capitol.

I watch as they realize that his wound is infected and instantly recognize it as blood poisoning. He has a day to live, maybe two at tops, if he doesn't get the necessary medicine. He is delirious and obviously burning with fever and is babbling about the first time he ever saw her and her red dress and after their banter she shuts him up by kissing him.

My blood boils as I watch the chaste kiss and I have to take deep breaths and calm myself down when I realize from the look on Katniss' face that it was only for the cameras.

A voice booms out over the arena and announces that there will be a feast the following morning at the cornucopia with something every tribute desperately needs. Obviously baker boy's medicine will be there and they argue about her going to get it for him. I am agreeing with him that she shouldn't go but of course Katniss can't just accept the fact that he would be happy to die with the taste of her lips on his.

She manages to knock him out with sleep syrup and I'm cursing her as she makes her way towards the cornucopia at dawn. She manages to grab the bag and my heart stops as that crazy little Career's knife hits her in the forehead causing a steady stream of blood. My heart is in my throat as I watch them struggle on the ground and I don't know whether I want to watch my best friend get filleted in her final moments of life as my eyes flick from the screen to the ground and back again.

I feel a hand slip into mine and squeeze and I close my eyes as the crowd gasps at what was surely Katniss' death. However I am pleasantly surprised to find that the large dark skinned boy has pulled psycho bitch off of Katniss and smashed her face in before giving Katniss a free pass.

A weight is lifted off of my shoulders as I watch her run to the woods, Cato following Thresh into the field. I finally look up to see who had grabbed my hand, expecting it to be mom, or maybe even Posy, but am shocked to see Madge Undersee staring back at me with her big blue eyes. She squeezes my hand again before releasing it and turns to walk away.

The next day I feel her presence next to me as I watch as Peeta heals and Katniss wakes up from her blood loss. While at first I was able to see that Katniss was playing up their kisses and caresses for the camera this last one has my blood boiling. I can practically feel the confusion rolling off of Katniss as she breaks away from their loving embrace, I can see her eyes darken as she stares at him and it has me in a fit of rage, my hands clenching into fists at my sides.

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