Chapter 4

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"Oh Cato."

He hears her before he can see her, her voice echoes around him as he looks wildly around the sparkling trees. The colors are so bright, the greens and browns so vibrant that it almost hurts his vision.

She appears from a cloud of smoke, her outfit for the games all but gone, only a thin piece of her pants covers her womanhood and a scrap of her shirt is draped precariously off her breasts, so flimsy that it looks as if a gust of wind would blow it away. Her skin sparkles as if it were made of jewels and slowly turns different colors as she saunters towards him. The tips of her fingers are on fire and she has a predatory look in her eye as she stalks him like prey.

He reaches for his sword only to come up empty handed and he desperately looks around for a knife or any kind of weapon so he can finally finish off Katniss Everdeen once and for all.

In a flash she is right in front of him and is staring up at him through her dusky eyelashes. He braces himself for his imminent death as terror runs through his veins. This was it, he was going to die at the hands of Katniss Everdeen, the one person he loathed the most in the world, and he was scared like he was a little boy again.

He flinched as she brought her fiery hands up to him, expecting to be burned alive. However he gasped as his shirt burst into ash and flittered to the ground once she touched it. He tried to bring his hand up to stop her when she raised her hand to touch his bare chest, sure that he would explode into ash at her touch, but he was frozen and completely immobile as if he was on the ladder up to the hovercraft again.

Her eyes burned red and then orange as she lifted her hand to his pec and he winced, preparing for the burn that was sure to follow her touch. Instead he let out a loud moan as her hand came in contact with his skin. The simplest touch from her was like liquid ecstasy running through his bloodstream and straight down to his dick.

He panted as her hand trailed itself down his rib cage, circling slightly over his abs before continuing down just shy of his pants. He met her fiery gaze and she smirked and gripped his hard on through his pants, causing the cloth to fall to dust around them. He was left bare, trapped, and extremely turned on in front of Katniss Everdeen. She whispered his name again before lightly trailing her fingers around the outskirts of his throbbing manhood, teasing him, before quickly grabbing him at the base and pumping him up and down once.

Cato through back his head and let out a moan sure to be heard from miles around. If her touch on his body had been ecstasy than this was pure nirvana. He was delirious, his mind lost in a foggy haze of rapture as she stroked him up and down. Fireworks exploded behind his eyelids and when he opened them he saw that sparks were raining down from the forest canopy as well.

Her hand suddenly stopped and he let out a disappointed groan. He looked to her to find her bare of all clothing sending him a 'come fuck me' look from beneath her thick lashes. He was still paralyzed, his limbs not functioning properly as he stared at her. She placed her hands on his shoulders and pushed him down, forcing him to land on his ass on the forest floor, still immobile.

She took his hands and placed them above his head, in the most submissive position possible as she molded him to where she wanted him. He tried with all of his might to break out of this invisible spell that was holding his limbs captive but couldn't manage to break free of it. If he was going to fuck Katniss Everdeen then he was going to be the one to dominate her before he killed her, not the other way around.

No matter how much he struggled he still couldn't move his arms or legs, but he stopped trying when she reached down and bit his neck. Her tiny teeth caused sparks to fly throughout his body and his cock to pulse as any remaining blood in his body rushed downwards. She trailed her lips down over his chest and stomach before circling her tongue over the head of his cock, lapping up the bit of precum that had embarrassingly leaked from the top.

He wanted so badly to thrust his hips up into her tight little mouth but had to be contained to her pace as she slowly took him all the way down the back of her throat. His toes curled as he felt himself hit the back of her throat and he let out a particularly loud 'fuck' as she started to suck on him as if her life depended upon it. He could already feel the tingling below his navel and wanted nothing more than to shoot his hot cum down the back of her throat as she swallowed every drop, but before his fantasy could come to fruition her mouth was off of him and a very different wet heat sheathed his dick.

His eyes shot open to see Katniss riding his cock, a sight he swore he would never ever see. She smirked at him as she used her strong legs to raise and lower herself on him at a snails pace. He quickly gets frustrated at her slow pace and she chuckles as she sees the struggle in his eyes, but only picks the pace up by a fraction.

Her head falls back and she lets out a strangled moan as she rides him hard, her long hair is tickling his thighs as her nails dig into his skin.

"Oh Peeetaaa."

Fury floods him as he hears her moan out that fruitcake's name and he grunts out his name instead.


She ignores him and continues to ride him while whispering Mellark's name and what had started out as a pretty damn good fantasy is quickly turning into his worst nightmare. He still cant move and he is still turned on even though she is moaning another man's name as she rides his cock as if it's the last thing she'll ever do. He promises himself that if he can ever get free of these invisible restraints then he'll make sure it is. Nobody moans out another man's name while fucking Cato.

Regardless of the circumstances he can feel that tingling in his stomach again and she moves ever faster over him, bringing him closer and closer. He closes his eyes and grunts and she is writhing and screaming on top of him, her muscles closing in around his dick and causing spots to flood his vision as he explodes inside of her. He lets out a shout as he pulses, sending his seed into the very depths of her as she rides out her own orgasm, leaving them both breathless.

He sighs contently and opens his eyes only to be met with another nightmare. Katniss has disconnected herself from him but the creature that stares back at him is not her, well not all of her at least. She has grown a snout and blood drips from her fangs as her cold grey eyes stare back at him. He tries to let out a scream but it is useless as her jaws clamp down around his throat.

I awake with a start and automatically my hand comes up to feel for the would that she caused and I am flooded with relief as I find nothing there.

I try to think back, past that weird as fuck dream, to how I ended up face down in the dirt next to the lake. I look over to find Clove and Marvel in similar conditions, though none of them have woken up yet.

My mind finally puts two and two together and rage fills my body.

That fucking bitch.

I am seething as I wake up from the hallucination-induced sleep I've been in for the last three days. Thanks to Katniss Everdeen I spent the previous couple of days tripping balls due to all the tracker jacker venom running through my system.

The last thing I truly remember was thrusting my sword through that piece of shit loverboy's leg as he fought me off to give Katniss time to escape. I remember then looking over to the warped body of the once hot as fuck girl that I was banging and felt bile in my throat as the bulbous stings started to explode sending green pus everywhere. Glimmer was long dead.

Not only was I pissed as hell that she got the jump on us, but now the only good fuck I had was dead because of her and she was going to pay. However what really disturbed me were the hallucinations.

I had been at the mercy of Katniss Everdeen, been her bitch, and I had enjoyed every minute of it.

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