Chapter 9: The Big Question

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Entering Professor Goodwitch's classroom, Brian was happy to see that Team RWBY was also there. He made sure that he sat he sat next to Ruby as the rest of his team sat next to him. "Hey BAJE!" Yang greeted, waving at the other team.

"Hey Yang," Abbi said as she waved back. "Sorry we are late, SOMEONE wouldn't get out of bed," she threw a glare at Brian, who rubbed the back of his head and nervously laughed.

" what did we miss?" The leader asked, looking at Ruby.

"You just missed Pyrrha kick CRDL's butts!" The leader of Team RWBY exclaimed as she threw her hands into the air. "You really should have been here,"

Brian smiled and looked at Pyrrha who was down in the sparing ring smiling. "I'm guessing she took on all of CRDL without any trouble huh?" Brian asked his crush next to him.

She nodded. "Her polarity semblance was used a lot in the fight. CRDL had no chance,"

Goodwitch tapped on her scroll. "Now that we are all here..." She said as she glared at BAGE who whistled and looked away. "We are going to have another match. I know that Miss Nikos is a hard act to follow. Any volunteers?" She asked before pointing at Blake. "Ms. Belladonna?"

Blake, looking very sleep deprived, slammed her book. "You've been rather docile for the past few classes. Why don't you-" Glynda was about to finish before she got interrupted.

"I'll do it," a voice in the stands said. Brian turned around and saw Mercury raising his hand.

"Mercury is it? Well alright then, let's find you a partner. Maybe Miss Timm will do.." The Professor said as Abbi got up and looked ready to fight.

"Actually, I want to fight her," The silver haired boy said, pointing down at Pyrrha. Abbi fell down in embarrassment before getting up. "What, I'm not good enough!?" She yelled, wanting to get in Mercury's face, but the rest of her team was able to hold her back.

"I'm afraid Miss Nikos has just finished a match. I recommend that you choose another partner," Goodwitch stated.

"No no, its fine! I would be happy to oblige," Pyrrha said as got her weapons out once again.

Mercury stepped down from the stands and strutted his way to face Pyrrha. 'Something seems off about him. The way he acts, the way he talks...something just doesn't add up,' Brian thought to himself as he watched from the stands.

The sparring match begins with Mercury trying to land the first attack, but he was knocked backwards by the red-head. Recovering quickly, he was able to deflect an attack and began trading blows with Pyrrha.

"Hey, your friend is pretty good," Ruby said to Emerald, who was sitting just above her.

Mercury unleashed a series of powerful strikes, even managing to lodge Pyrrha's spear into the floor. As the silver haired boy went for a kick, his foot was somehow guided away from the girl and she charged at him with her shield. He jumped and propelled himself away from her. Pyrrha tried charging again before..

"I forfeit,"

Everyone's jaw dropped as Mercury held up his hands in surrender. 'Very...nonchalant. What is with this guy?' The flute player thought to himself as he gave his team a confused look, the rest of the team returning the look. 

Pyrrha nearly stumbled as she stopped next to him. "You...aren't even going to try?"

"What's the point?" Mercury shrugged. "You are a world-renowned fighter. We are clearly on two different levels here,"

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