Chapter 24: Attack

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A couple days have passed. Brian was still in the hospital wing as Team BAGE went along with their time at the academy. No one was talking to them, especially Team RWBY. The feeling was somber, but everyone else couldn't focus on that as Pyrrha was focused on taking on Penny to find out who would win the Vytal Festival Tournament.

"Guys," Abbi said in the corner of the lunchroom. "I think we need to start packing our things. It's not like we are going to be here any longer than after the tournament,"

Gabby looked down before nodding. "You're right. Everyone has casted us out like yesterday's newspaper," she said quietly.

"I can't believe Cardin figured this out," Elasia said, slamming her hands on the table. "We kept this secret well, how was he able to find out we weren't from here?"

"I don't know. I don't care," Abbi said as she stood up and began walking towards their dorm. "Let's go guys,"

They left and went to their dorm to begin packing. Brian was still in bed trying to recover from the attack. Willie had came in a couple times to check on his younger brother, but every single time, Brian had said that he wanted to be left alone. It began to get darker outside, the time for the finals match was drawing closer. The musician looked out the window at the stadium, ships going towards it to drop off people to watch the fight.

"I'm sorry Ruby," he said to himself quietly. All of the sudden, his scroll began to ring. Picking it up, he couldn't recognize the number, so he put it on speaker. "Hello?"

'Hey dweeb!'

Brian's eyes grew wide as he recognized the voice. "T-tyler?" He asked, his voice becoming shaky. "How the fuck did you get my number!?"

'It's not that hard. Anyways, I hope you are ready to watch the finals, I heard it's going to be a slaughter!'

"If you even think of touching anybody there, I will kill you myself!" The flute player threatened. "Don't mess with me!"

'I bet you wouldn't say that if I touched your precious little rose, would you?'

Brian swallowed hard as his rival laughed loudly before hanging up the call. The musician began to get up from his bed, the nurse trying to stop him from outside of his room. "Mr. Van Vorst, you need to stay in bed!" She exclaimed loudly. "I'm not going to let you get hurt anymore!"

She never got an answer. Brian ignored her as he limped to his dorm, throwing open the door. The sight he was met with wasn't a pleasant one. His team was packing their things. "Hey guys...." he started as he looked around. "Why are we packing? We've come back from harder situations than this-"

"Let me stop you right there," Abbi snapped loudly. "Not only was I unable to beat Penny, but you got jumped by Cardin and our secret is out. We are now out of here,"

"Brian think about it," Gabby began. "Ozpin isn't going to let us stay here after the entirety of Remnant knows about us. We need to go,"

"I can't believe what I'm hearing!" Brian exclaimed angrily. "I just got a call from Tyler Lockwood. He somehow got my number. He is threatening Ruby,"

"I wish we could help Brian, but there is nothing we can do!" Elasia yelled. "We can't do anything anymore. No one wants to deal with us anymore,"

Brian couldn't believe what he was hearing. In frustration he limped out of the room and slammed the door shut, leaving the three other members of BAGE looking scared. The flute player was limping down the hallway, right past where Team RWBY's dorm was, where Qrow exited.

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