Truth or Dare

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-Butters POV-

I quickly shoved all my papers back into my pink folder before shoving all my stuff into my messenger bag. I was just about to sling it over my own shoulder before the taller blonde dressed in his usual orange hoodie grabbed it from me. 

"You know I can carry my own bag Kenny." I said, pretending to be annoyed. 

But I wasn't annoyed, I loved it. Kenny and I had started talking a lot more this school year and he'd taken notice of my heavy bag I carry with me all the time. About halfway through the year he started carrying it for me to all the classes we shared. It always made me feel like my heart was going to explode with happiness, but I never showed it. 

"I know you can, but so can I." He replied nonchalantly, sticking his tongue out at me. 

As we made our way into the crowded halls, filled with teens excited by summer vacation, someone walked pretty much right into, bumping their shoulder into mine, hard. 

"Are you fucking blind faggot?" They yelled at me, acting like it was my fault. 

"S-sorr.." I started to mutter out, too shy to stand up for myself. 

"How about you fuck off before I kick your goddamn ass?!" Kenny interrupted, taking a step toward the random kid. 

"Whatever, fuck off poor kid." The dude mumbled before walking the other way.

"Oh yeah, call me poor, how original." Kenny said, turning back to me, rolling his eyes. 

"T-thanks for that." I said, my cheeks turning red as I spoke. 

"For what? Telling that dick off for being a dick? No need to thank me Butters, I'm not gonna let people walk all over you." He said as we approached my locker. 

I smiled shyly at him and turned to enter my combination. 

"So, excited for Stan's party tonight?" Kenny asked, leaning against the locker besides mine. 

"I-i guess it'll be fun. I just hope my parents don't find out.." I said nervously, grabbing my remaining school stuff from my locker before slamming it shut. 

It was only a few full notebooks, so I tossed them in the trash nearby. 

"You worry too much man, you gotta let yourself go sometimes." Kenny sighed, pushing himself off the lockers and leading our way out of the building. 

~time skip~

We pulled up to the party in Kenny's beat up red truck, and so far we were the only people there. Kenny led the way to the door, still holding mine and his own bag. 

"Do you think we'll stay here tonight?" I asked, as Kenny opened the door. 

"Probably, I'll be way too drunk to drive. Just tell your parents it's a sleepover like I said, no biggie." He replied, throwing our bags to the side of the door and slipping his beat up shoes off.

"Who's here?!" Stan said nervously, making his way downstairs, Kyle trailing behind him. 

"Ever heard of knocking Kenny, you scared the shit out of us!" Kyle said, his voice sounding awkward and annoyed. 

"Sorry not sorry. Booze?" Kenny asked, making his way toward the kitchen. 

"Not yet Kenny! No one else is here yet!" Stan yelled, running down to follow him, "Hey Butters." He said quickly as he followed Kenny. 

I smiled and sat down at the table, waiting for Kenny to come back. I liked Stan and Kyle, but I was so shy and nervous around anyone other than Kenny. After a few minutes of zoning out, Kenny slid into the chair next to me, holding two cups. 

Truth or Dare (Bunny)(ButtersxKenny)Where stories live. Discover now