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-Kenny POV-

I glanced at the clock for what had to be the tenth time already. Still only 10 minutes into class so far. 

Why the fuck did I come today? It's the last day, we aren't doing shit.

I heard the door slam shut and I glanced over to see Craig walking in. I smirked at him and watched as he made his way to his seat by Tweek. 

"Hey asshole, try to make it to class on time?" The teacher said sarcastically, turning back to the board.  

I snickered quietly to myself. I bet Craig was back there flipping her off. I looked at the clock again, only to see it'd been about a minute since I last looked. 


"Pst, Kenny." I heard from behind me. 

It was Kyle, who was simultaneously texting and writing whatever the hell the teacher had written on the board. 

"What?" I mumbled. 

"Stan's having a party, you coming?" Kyle asked, still not looking up from his phone. 

"Sure, he got booze?" I asked, glancing forward quickly to make sure the teacher hadn't turned around. 

"Duh. Ask Butters, he's too far from me." Kyle replied. 

I turned back around and looked to my right, where Butters was sitting. He was doodling on his paper, only taking breaks to nervously look at the clock. 

"Hey Leopold." I whispered. 

He jumped slightly in his seat and turned towards me. "O-oh, heya Kenny." He whispered back with his usually friendly tone. 

"Heya." I said with a smirk, "Stan's havin' a party tonight, wanna go?" 

"O-oh I dunno.. my parents might get awful sore if I went to a party.." Butters mumbled, staring down at his feet.

"Come on Stotch, tell'em you're just going to a sleepover, they don't have to know." 

"Oh alright.. I guess I can do that." He replied, looking up at me. 

I smiled at him and he smiled back shyly, his face turning a little pink, before he quickly turned back into his seat and continued with his drawing. 

Finally the bell rang and I grabbed my notebook and made my way out the door. 

"GAH!" I heard Tweek's familiar scream from the class as I left. 

A/N: I know this is short, but I just wanted to start this. Next chapter will be a lot longer and hopefully more interesting. Thanks for reading!

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