Chapter 26

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My time in Sydney with Jordan had been incredible but it was time to hit the road and go do our tour! I planned to tell Scar and Caleb about moving when we were in the car so hopefully they wouldn’t make as big a fuss about it as they would have to deal with being around me for a while. I had already called mum and told her about the move. She wasn’t exactly thrilled about it and she immediately asked what I was doing with uni. I told her I would defer for a year. Who needs to go straight to university anyway? I knew she would miss me and I would miss her, but this was something that I really wanted to do and she understood that.

Since New Castle had been cancelled our first stop was Coffs Harbour. It was a fairly long drive but not too bad. Only Jordan and I would be together for this drive because everyone else was in Canberra. I wasn’t complaining, I had really been enjoying my alone time with him.

The morning we were leaving to Coffs Harbour I got a text from Ben saying he couldn’t wait to see us and he was excited. Nice to know someone didn’t hate me! But then I realised it was a group text so it wasn’t that great. Still at least I was included. Caleb sent just me a text not long after saying he was over what had happened and he didn’t want anything to happen to our band. He was going to be so pissed at me.

I considered texting Scar to see how she was going but I was trying to give her some space. She didn’t even know I was in Sydney at the moment. She was so upset with me and I felt like if I said anything at that point in time nothing good would come from it. I would see her later anyway when we all got to the venue.

As Jordan drove we talked about anything that came to our minds. The best thing about our relationship was that no matter how long we talked for we never ran out of things to say. But when we didn’t really have anything all that important to say we just stopped talking and sat there while the music played on the radio. We sang along to some of the songs that came on and it was the best car trip we had ever had.

When we finally got to the venue there was only an hour before the show started. We had to get our instruments tuned and set up. The only problem was the others weren’t there yet. I texted Caleb and asked him if they were close by. Five minutes later and he still hadn’t replied. Jordan tried calling Ben and got no response. That was strange. Ben never missed a phone call.

“What if something happened to them?” I asked.

“Hey it’ll be alright! We’ll give it another twenty minutes before panicking too much. For now at least the drums are set up and I have my acoustic guitar so I guess I’ll tune that just in case.”

“What so if the others don’t come we’ll play an acoustic show?”

“Well yeah. We can’t disappoint the fans. Then we’ll go and find out what happened to everyone else. I wish we could go now but we really can’t cancel a concert this close to the starting time. I’ll go tune and you try Ben again. Or any of them.”

I nodded and left Jordan to make some calls. I tried Ben first and he still didn’t answer. I chose to go for Caleb next, then Brendan. But no one was picking up their phones! Then I tried calling Scar. Even if she was angry with me she would answer. But she didn’t. Maybe something had happened. What if they were in a crash?

I checked the time and saw there was now half an hour until the show. People were starting to arrive and it looked like we were filling all one hundred spots for this concert. I was starting to freak out and I had no idea what to do. I was going to have to end up doing this concert by myself.

I went backstage and had a look at the stage. It wasn’t too big so it wouldn’t look strange if I was the only one on there. I really wished everyone would just get here! As time went by the mosh area filled up. People were getting excited and this would disappoint them. There was five minutes until the concert started. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for having to perform on my own.

“Hazel!” I turned around and saw Scar and Caleb running over to me.

“Where the hell have you been? I called you all and none of you answered!” I knew the audience could probably hear me but I didn’t care. Did they even take this band seriously?

“Our phones died. I know that’s pathetic but we all hung out together the night before and forgot to charge our phones. Let’s go play!”

I felt like screaming at them for being so stupid but we didn’t have time to do anything because they were so late. As we walked on everyone cheered for us. We started off with the first song we ever wrote; Three Little Words.

I felt so happy and like I could do anything when I was singing. The crowd seemed to love it too! When we finished they all cheered for us and when Caleb threw a pick out a group of girls went to go grab it. We kept playing the rest of our songs and I had the best time. When we finished our set the crowd seemed to have really loved it and a couple of people were already at the merch stall to buy our CD.

I didn’t waste any time talking to Caleb and Scar just then. I wanted to go out to the audience and see what they thought of us and maybe someone would even want a photo or something! As I walked into the crowd I was immediately surrounded by people wanting photos, autographs or just to talk.

“You were so amazing! Where can I find you online?” One person asked.

“Can I get a photo?” Someone else asked.

“I’ve known about Lost Connections for months. I can’t wait to tell my friends I finally got to meet you!” Another person said.

I had not been expecting that at all. I thought people would just be here for Sweeto but it seemed like my band was one some people had heard about! I took photos and talked to as many people as I could, but I left five minutes before Sweeto was supposed to start. I didn’t want to draw the attention from them.

Sweeto did a great set and I loved every song as always. They really were getting better and better; I couldn’t wait to see what would come from them next year. When they finished I went back out but so did they so most people wanted to talk to them. A couple of people who had bought CDs asked me to sign them though which was really nice.

After everyone had left Sweeto and Lost Connections met backstage. We all hugged and congratulated each other but Jordan and I were both really angry that the others had been so late and careless enough to not charge any of their phones.

“Guys we need to talk. What you did could have ruined our reputation if you had been any later. Why were you so late?” Jordan asked as politely and calmly as he could.

“We had to stop for petrol along the way and there was a massive line of cars.” Ben said. “And does it really matter? I mean, we got here in time and the fans were happy.”

“It matters because we are a team! We need to be able to rely on each other!”

“Yeah well you two didn’t bother telling any of us you were going off to Sydney until you were already there!” Scar yelled.

“I needed to get Hazel away from you and all this drama you’re getting her involved in!”

“Jordan, stop.” I said quietly.

Scar stared at me and looked like she was about to cry. She walked off and Ben followed her. I swear that girl was never happy. This time though I went after her.

“Scar wait!” She stopped and turned around, tears streaming down her face. “I didn’t ever mean to hurt you and people would have found out about you and Ben soon enough anyway. It’s not fair to make me keep all these huge secrets from everyone else. Please understand that I don’t want to hurt you. I just want you to be happy.”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have loaded everything on you. It was too much for me so of course it was too much for you. Let’s just forget about this and be friends again. Hating you takes too much work.”

Ben let go of her hand so we could hug. Finally everything was right between us again. But I still hadn’t told her about Sydney so who knew how long that would last.


Hey guys,

Sorry it's been so long since an update! I've had a lot happen recently and school's just started which makes it harder. Expect an update every fortnight.

Thanks for the support,


Forever to Me - A Jordan Sweeto FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now