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God damnit homosexuality.

Why u gotta make me do n update on dis.

Look. I'm not straight. I'm not gay. I'm a neutral cause.


I was on YouTube earlier, and I saw a lot of (assumably) gay people hating on people who believed that all gays go to hell.

So gay people were saying that they should stfu and except it.

But it's kind of like...

Weren't gay people telling straight people not to force their ideas onto others?

Practice what you preach.

Also, I don't believe that accepting it is as easy as they make it put to be.

Imagine this~

You have an illness. You've had that illness since the day you were born, and have been taking medication for that illness since that very day. Your parents say you'll instantly die without it, as do your doctors and everyone else around you.

A random person walks up to you and says that every single thing they said was wrong. You can stop taking that medicine. You will live without this medicine.

Would you believe this random stranger, and risk death, or will you stay under the affects of that illness for the rest of your life?

I'd say most of you chose the latter.

I would too.

Now look, the point of this random scenario I made up~

To some of you, who happen to be gay or something like it, the illness represents your sexuality. The medicine represents your religion. The random person, well, they represent others like you.

Death represents hell, and the loss of faith from your friends and family.

Would you risk all of that...

Just for freedom to be who you really are?

Yes no maybe so. I honestly wouldn't know.

Now the other way you could've taken this.

The illness still represents your religion, but the parents, doctor, and everyone else represent society's expectation of you to keep and support that religion.

The medicine represents your fear of hell. Nobody wants to go there. Especially you. Your parents and doctors keep you on a daily dosage; just to make sure you don't stray from it. Death represents going to hell.

You stay on that medicine for its sole purpose. To not die.

This random man comes along. Let's call him a gay man. Maybe even a straight ally.

They tell you that your illness is a load of bull. You don't need that medicine! You'll easily survive without it. Even thrive without it. But there's a catch; what if you  actually needed the medicine and you die? Aka go to hell.

If you stay on the medicine, you get an auto ride to heaven. If you go off of it, there's a major chance you'll be on a one way trip to hell.

Again, would you risk the chance of heaven and eternal life just for  freedom you never needed?

I dunno. Maybe you would.

But the over all question for both of these-

Would you take the risk?

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