Chapter 3: Every Heart I Left Behind

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[Song: Action Cat by Gerard Way]


Ian was so strange. It doesn't make sense how he doesn't know things like cars or radios. I don't understand how someone can just not know what those things are with how the world is today. Even if he was from some third-world country, which I doubt, I found it highly unlikely that he'd be completely clueless as to what they were.

The doctors told me about cases where patients lost memories of  their lives and forgot about their families but they didn't mention ever hearing of someone forgetting about everyday objects. They also said in a lot of cases, memory came back. I hope Ian's memory comes back.

Yet a selfish part of me hopes it doesn't.

It's terrible but part of me hopes he won't remember so I'll have to keep supporting him. I know once he remembers he'll want to go back home. He won't need me anymore.

Sighing, I glanced down at the very one I had been thinking about. Ian was asleep, his head resting on my shoulder as soft breaths escaped his lips.

I felt myself reaching to stroke his cheek but I stopped short, no wanting to be weird.

Or gay.

I'm not gay. Not at all. Not one single bit.

Maybe a little. Everyone's a little gay though.

I'm not like fully gay though. I just get occasional gay thoughts. Everyone does though. Right?

Ian moving brought me out of my thoughts. He shifted and his head fell from my shoulder to my lap, his face now in my crotch.

My mind wandered. I couldn't help it. I began thinking of all the dirty things that could happen which led to my pants growing tighter. It was so bad since he was right there but I couldn't help it.

I eased Ian's head off of my lap and onto the couch before getting up and going to my room. I have to take care of this. Hopefully Ian will stay asleep for a while longer.


The sound of a door closing brought me out of my sleeping state. I didn't feel like getting up so I laid there for a few more seconds. Then I realised Max was gone.

Sitting up and stretching, I heard a noise breaking the house's silence. It was weird and I don't exactly know how to explain it other than I found myself liking it.

I walked to Max's room, finding that's where the noise was coming from, and knocked on the door. "Max?"

When Max spoke it sounded like he was out of breath, "yes?"

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"U-uh nothing. I'll be out in a minute, okay?" Max seemed nervous, it really made me wonder what he was doing.

Instead of replying I just opened his door and walked in. When I came in I saw Max sitting on his bed with his hand in his pants and sweat starting to form on his forehead. As soon as he saw me, his face turned a deep shade of red.

"I told you I'd be out in a minute, you cunt," he said.

"What are you doing?" I asked in pure confusion.

Max seemed completely embarrassed, "Taking care of a problem."

I still didn't quite get it. "Is there like something stuck in your pants or do you have a really bad itch or something?"

"You have to be kidding." Max put his head in his hands.

"What?" What would I be kidding about? I just asked a question.

Max only shook his head. "I'm not explaining this one."




Ian walking in on me was by far one of the most embarrassing things I've dealt with in a while. Especially since he didn't know what was going on. It's like he's a small child.

Now as we sat in my backyard, looking at the starry sky, we were both silent.

I could tell that Ian loved the stars. His was showed pure amazement as he looked at them. I found myself looking at Ian's expression more than the stars.

"Max," Ian said as he turned to me.

"Yes?" I questioned.

Ian took a pause. I could see him examining my face the way I had examined his.

I found myself wanting to kiss him.

"Max," he said again.

"What is it?" I wondered, this time my voice came more as a whisper.

"I don't know," he admitted. "I just feel something."

"What does it feel like?" I asked.

Ian put his hand over his heart, "right here it feels like I really want something but I don't know what it is. And here," he moved his hand to his stomach, "it feels... funny. Like I'm afraid but there's nothing to be scared of. What's happening to me?"

I felt a smile come to my face as I knew what he was talking about. "I think I may know what you want, if I'm wrong just tell me. If not then follow my lead, okay?"

I felt so nervous as I slowly moved closer, my eyes closing and my lips inching closer to his. I could feel the heat from his face as I got closer and then I felt the greatest sensation ever.

My lips met his softly. His lips were soft and very nice to kiss. He didn't pull away, in fact he pulled me a bit closer.

After a few seconds I moved my lips, making it more than just a peck kiss and turning it into a real one. Ian followed my actions.

After a few minutes I pulled away slowly before opening my eyes to meet his.

"What was that?" He asked in almost a whisper.

"That was a kiss," I replied softly.

"I like it," he smiled. "Can I have another?"

I happily gave him another.


I meant to put this up yesterday but it wasn't finished and I had a really bad headache. There might be spelling errors because I didn't proofread but I'll fix them later.

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