Epilogue: And Our Memories Defeat Us

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[Song: Early Sunsets Over Monroeville by My Chemical Romance]

×Fun fact: the first letters of the songs spell out space.×


I can't believe it. I remember. I remember it all.

And I'm on Earth. I've wanted to go here for years and here I am. It's just as amazing as I imagined it. Plus I have an added bonus: Max.

I can't begin to imagine how sad my life would be without Max. He's helped me so much and he's showed me so many things I'd probably never get to see without him.

"Ian," Max called from his room as I was sitting on the couch watching TV.

I walked to his room and peeked in the door. Max was sitting on his bed with his head in his hands.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I walked over to him and sat next to him.

"It all just kinda hit me," he whispered.

"What did?" I asked. Max looked at me, his eyes were red and had water coming from them and sliding down his cheeks. "Max?"

He wiped his eyes, "everything, with you being an alien and fuck, Ian, this is insane."

I brushed a piece of his hair back behind his ear. "I'm still human, Max. Just think of it like I'm from a different country."

Max sighed, "okay, okay. It's not that crazy. It's perfectly fine. You're just from America or some shit."

I nodded, "See, it's okay."

Max suddenly brought my face close and kissed me. I kissed him back. My hand went to the side of his face, his went to my sides. The kiss was calm and slow.

Max pulled back slowly and rested his forehead against mine.

"Ian," he whispered.

"Yes?" I whispered back.

"I know it's soon but I can't help it, I think I love you." He looked in my eyes. I didn't understand what he said and I could tell he knew. "You don't know what that means..."

"Explain it, I'm sure I'll know once you do," I reasoned. "Tell me how you know you love me."

Max took a moment. "That's hard to do, Ian. Why does anyone know they love anyone? It's not the stereotypical butterflies in the stomach and warm sparky feeling, that's just in movies. It's something that you just know, you can feel it deep inside you. In my head when I think of you, instead of 'like' the word 'love' comes up so it must be true. I can feel it every time I look at you. It's such a strong feeling and it never leaves. I love you, Ian."

I took a second to process all of what he said. "Wow, I'm speechless," I smiled widely. "Since I got here that's all I've felt towards you, I just didn't have a word for it. I love you, Max."


3rd Person

Ian had a quick adaption into normal society. Max was by his side for every step. If anyone asked where Ian came from, Max would tell them how they met over the Internet and Ian came there to live with Max.

As Ian learned the concept of dating, he and Max were quickly official. They loved each other with a great passion.

They couldn't get married, due to the fact that Ian didn't actually have legal identification but that didn't bother them. They knew they loved each other and that's all that mattered.



So that's the end. I didn't want to make this one too long. I'm working on something else that will be ready soon so keep and eye out for that. Thanks for reading.

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