Moment 11

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"Let me go! I don't want to be your hero!" She cried, screaming into the fresh air.
"I'm sorry but we need you,"
"No you need someone else. I'm not a hero I'm just a normal girl!" Jessica choked, her tears flowing freely from her eyes.
"Jessica you are our saviour!" Grant said, his husky voice trying to reason.
"Boys take her to the room,"
"No let me go!" Her voice was soon distant as she had entered an underground bunker. Chaining her to a seat the two men took off.
"You can't leave me here!" She yelled but there was no reply. Looking around she could see nothing but a mirror. Suddenly a voice came out of no where, making her jump.
"Ask the mirror a question."
"No!" She yelled but instantly felt a bolt of electricity run through her body. Jessica screamed as more and more sparked through.
"Fine I'll do it!" She panted, the electrical current dying down.
"Um, mirror mirror on the wall, who's going to kill us all?" She whispered, her voice barely audible. The war was only hours away and if she was going to die she wanted to know who would be to blame.
"Oh sweetheart don't you see? Look into my eyes and repeat after "me"," a horrified expression made its way into Jessica's face as a manic laughter filled the cold room.
"No! I'm not a monster!" She screeched, struggling against the chains.
"Let me go!" She cried.
"Let me go!"

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