The Life I Call Normal.

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6:30 AM. My annoying barely audible alarm block blasts in my ear, my eyes shoot open as the sun peers through the small cracks of the window. The smell of rotton cheese all the way from the fridge fills up my nostrils as my nose crinkles not wanting to acknowledge the horrid smell any longer. I slowly get off my rusty bed and trudge towards the bathroom. The mirror that shows my unwanted reflection is cracked and has stains i dont even want to know about. I let out a frusturated grunt when my toe came in contact with a sharp object laying on the cold ground. Streams of curses spit out of my mouth until realization hits me and i see a pool of blood slowly drip onto the floor, i start panicking and run my closet to get an old shirt to wrap around my foot. Small strands of hair make its way in front of my eyes as i blow it out of my face. I dont have medicine to treat my bloody foot so i just sit on my bed and stare at the ceiling.

Welcome to my life, where theres nothing going on but stupid and boring events that happen every single day. I wake up, eat, work, fall down somehow, work then sleep. Thats it. I'm no special girl working at some bakery and ends up falling in love with a prince charming, im just boring 19 year old girl working at Dominoes making pizzas. I can barely pay rent at this crappy apartment duplex, i had no family since i was 10 and i basically live on pizza and water. I have no TV, no phones, no toothbrush, no bathroom essentials and definatly no clothes. I have rags i wear basically, dominoes shirts that are covered in flour and ripped jeans that i found at the thrift shop for 99 cents. Do you think this is a perfect life to be living? No. But what can i do? Exactly, nothing. I always dreamed of having a prince charming sweep me off my feet and make me feel special but who would want me? Im Sharkiesha Jones, a walking freakshow that no one loves. You'd think i would cry and breakdown but what's the point? I ran out of tears 9 years ago when my family died in a car crash and left me on earth all alone with no one to hug. I stayed for a reason and i will continue to figure out who i really am, i know i wont be like this for long but who knows how long will i be like this before i can really shine.

I sigh and look down at my feet, i took the piece of clothing off my foot to inspect the deep cut. I guess i stepped on a piece of broken glass, i shrugged off the pain and threw on my ripped jeans and flour painted dominoes shirt. I put on my worn out converse that was also from the thrift store for $20 and went for the door. I tried my best to walk even with the cut and i was even more cautious about the shoes because i saved up 3 weeks worth of my weekly check for those. I looked at the big ben clock and realized it was already 8:00 AM, i must have really been in a daze, i sprint as best as i could to the near by pizza place. As always, the little bell hanging on the glass door jingled and i smiled looking directly at my kind boss. I call him Uncle Eli, he is such a kind hearted old man who let me have this job after begging on the floor in front of him for how many hours. The 60 year old man looked up at me and smiled,

''Oi theres me little worker! I was worried sick, you promised me you would come at 7:30am today darling! What happened?''

My lips tug into a smile.

''Sorry Uncle Eli, Something came up this morning and it ended with me having a cut up foot. I didnt mean to be late, i hope you understand.''

I loved how he was the only one who actually cared. He was family to me and i didnt ever want to let him down.

''Oh pish posh don't worry! What happened to your foot are you okay? Are you hungry? Do you need medicine?"

I chuckle at his frantic voice.

"It's okay uncle Eli, I'm okay it's just a small cut! Nothing I can't handle. I'm not hungry anymore and I don't need anything."

He wasn't exactly keen with my answer but he shrugged it off and let me work. I put on my apron and start making the pizza batter. I turn up the small old fashioned radio and start jamming to today's latest hits, everything was so techno and everyone barely had clothes on. Don't these celebrities have any dignity! However, I do envy them. They are living the dream life. Completely opposite of what I'm living. They have the clothes, the talent, the fame and the millions of fans following them. Who wouldn't want to be like them? I knead the dough and the song playing caught my attention. It was a soft melody with voices of angels singing along. I swayed my body along to the tune of the song and sang along.

"Your hand fits in mine like its made just for me, but bare this in mind it was just meant to be..."

I always loved singing but I knew I would never be famous. So I sang along with the music coming out of the radio, this song that was playing really got to me because it seemed so connecting and it was like everything clicked. This band called...One Direction? They had amazing voices and all of them had different styles. They were everywhere, on the radio and even on the TV. I watched these boys on the big television screen and one boy caught my attention. His green jade eyes were almost peering into mines and it made my whole body go numb. His voice melted my heart and his features made me squeal. He was perfect...wait. WHAT THE HELL AM I SAYING?? SHARKIESHA JONES. STOP. RIGHT. THERE. You will not fall in love with a boy that will never know you exists and have no chance with! He is 1/5 of the biggest boy band in the world and I'm a boring ass pizza making girl here in the city of London. I mentally and physically slap myself. I repeat to myself saying "Snap out of it and wake up" at least 10 times and continue making the pizza crust. I will never get my happy ending will I? After all, I'm just Sharkisha Jones. An odd girl with a "normal" life.


Heeeellloo. I know this chapter sucked! I still hope you enjoyed it and keep reading! I promise you it will be funnier in later chapters. Wait until Harry comes in ;) and I don't know if London actually has Dominoes but lets just say it does okay? Haha. At the moment I don't have a twitter for this just yet not an Instagram so...haha. Anyways, Love y'all sexy faces <3

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