Chapter 6 | I'll never let you go again

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I was safe. Out of the cave out of the danger. Finally I could relax without thinking about my surroundings. I was waiting there, on the soft green grass. I noticed that Emily wasn't here. She might have left to the camp, but maybe not... what if she got attacked by brutes or something, Unanswerable. I have to leave this place before night falls.

I got up with a lot of pain. My legs were shaking. And I started walking, I looked right ahead of me with tears to my eyes. I walked and walked and walked past all those beautiful locations I have seen before, but didn't really admire them. I could still hear all my bones crackling inside my body, and the last words Emily spoke to me. The pain was really unbearable. I wanted to stop but kept going. I couldn't think of anything else. The pain was too strong.

I finally reach the beach in the early night light but at that point I was too exhausted to go any farther. I collapsed onto the cold soft sand, I looked at the bright moon. Slowly closing my eyes and just clearing my mind about my problems and just rested there, a few minutes past and I had fallen asleep. Deep deep sleep. Barely anything could wake me up.

I felt so comfortable, I laid on something soft for the first time. Something soft and warm. I squeezed the thick bed sheets in my hand and instantly woke up, gasping for air. I looked around shocked and panicked. I was in a room, with mat green wallpapers, my favorite color, there were band posters stuck in front of the walls. There was a shelf with expensive looking figurines sitting on it having some Insane battle posses, just beside that was a mahogany looking door. And a ray of sun light slicing through the bright red curtains by the only window in the room. That's when I felt relaxed I explored my surroundings better and got myself comfortable. I laid back down onto the soft bed and sunk into it getting transferred into a portal and appearing in a fancy looking dinning room with a huge window on a white wall exposing the view of the beautiful Manhattan in New York. I was watching Suicide Squad on Netflix while eating my breakfast of oily bacon with sunny side eggs and firmly grilled toast. "Good morning Nathan." A female sounding voice spoke at the side of my right ear. "Morning mom!" I answered while looking the my right. I had no control of what I was doing or saying I was just spectating. Apparently that person was my mom, I got confused when I saw Emily's face instead, at the slight moment of my blink her face was back to normal. But I looked away so didn't get the time to see her properly. I looked back to the view and the sun light brightened my vision until I felt like I got transported back.

I was still staring at the sun. I felt like I was still in my dream. I wanted for a movement but there was nothing. That's when I tried moving myself and I looked around I was on that same area on the beach I was last night. That's when my consciousness hit me hard. I spat some salty water out of my mouth and coughed for a while. Seemed like the tide went up at night and covered me. I just realized that I should be cured because of the water, I looked at my legs and moved them around... I didn't feel the pain anymore, that slight moment of joy got me to stand up instantly. I couldn't tell if it was a dream, but all I knew was I could finally run again. I sprinted so fast the fastest I've ever gone at. I felt so good with the wind smoothly scraping the skin on my face. I felt the slight warm feeling of the sand on my feet getting warmer and warmer until it was burning and I had to turn to the wet sand and stopped for a while for the burn to go away. I felt my heart beat going faster and got me tired but I kept going, slower though...

I was running for a while so I just walked, I mean I did a 1000 kilometer marathon I can walk now, I'm in no hurry. I saw a figure at the horizon, getting bigger and bigger the more I walked, I looked away and focused on something else. But then I looked back at it. It was gone. I couldn't tell if it was Emily or just some brute roaming the beach.

-Emily's perspective-

I missed him, i don't know why. I barely know him but I still missed him. I knew that I was in love but i didn't know why. I felt so much depression these past days but didn't know why. I hoped he was ok. I could have gone back but I didn't want to, I had no reasons. No reasons why I couldn't go back. I sat down onto a log by a burnt out fire that James made a while ago. I cried in my hands for a while I just had to. I had to express my emotions out. Made me feel better. I still felt his presence. "It's my fault!" I yelled to the forest in front of me. "What is?" James's voice responded by my left ear. Looked back and there he was standing. standing with the sun behind him. I instantly got up and jumped of the log into his arms and held him so tight as I dug my face in his shoulder. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, sorry, sorry. I'm so sorry." I murmured to him with tears. "Don't be." He answered. "I'll never let you go again, I promise" I said back. "I'll never let you go either and my name is Nathan." He smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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