C H A P T E R | 3 | First Impressions

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~Annie's POV: told by the author~
As they headed to the lunch room Annie saw a crowd, they were watching something with excitement, but also with fear. Annie pushed through the crowd to see what was going on, she froze. It was Jungkook and another kid fighting, it was clear that Jungkook was winning. He had the same smirk on his face when they first met, that "i'm so strong" kind of look. Annie walked away wanting to get away from the ruckus and tell the others. Just then the crowd went in all different directions as a teacher approached the scene. She then pulled the two boys away towards the office. Annie quickly headed to the lunch room. She looked around trying to spot her friends, and dashed over to them when she did.

"Jungkook, he got in a fight with another kid just a few minutes ago." Annie blurted out. Lynh and the others just sat there in silence.

"What?!" Lynh suddenly said with a nervous look. Annie had a feeling that Lynh was thinking the same things as her. Jungkook seemed like a nice person, especially towards Lynh.

~Yoongi's POV: told by him~

Of course, Jungkook got in a fight. He was always a troublemaker at the old school well, it wasn't like I was any better. We were considered the "bad" group at our old school, breaking things, getting in fights, sleeping in class, and a lot of others. It was just what we did, and in my opinion it doesn't really matter. Where is my dorm, they could've at least given me that information. Ugh. Does this mean I have to walk all the way to the office, ask and then come back here. At least if I get my dorm number I can sleep, do we have roommates? Whatever, I just need to keep my chill at this school, yeah, I'll be the cool guy. But then again there's Nikki, keeping my swag on around her is hard, it's fine I can handle it. Now here's the office.

"Hi, my name's Min Yoongi, I didn't get my dorm number yet. It's my first day here." Ugh. This is annoying why do I have to ask for this stuff.

"Oh yes of course, Min Yoongi... your dorm number is 78. Its right around the corner near the girl dorms." A overly happy looking lady said, her voice was annoyingly high pitched.

"Ok. Thanks." Right next to the girl's dorms?! Does that mean I might run into Nikki?! I just hope that I have a good roommate. Well here we are, dorms, I wonder what it's like. I never had them before, is it just a small room that you get to decorate, and share... Room 78. 

"Yoongi?" Who's that? Oh Jin, I'm fine with him as my roommate.

"Yup. Looks like we're roommates." Jin was the most easygoing, which was great, I hate not being able to sleep. Jin also had a great taste in food, so I guess we shared some of my best qualities. 

"Did you hear about what happened with Jungkook?" Jin probably already heard, I mean the news spread all over campus.

"Yeah. Everyone's talking about it, I also heard Namjoon broke like 3 vases in the same class." Jin said smiling. Wow already making trouble on first day, nothings changed since before.

~Anh's POV: told by author~

Jungkook getting in a fight?! Eh. Whatever. Anh didn't like dealing with this kind of BIG school drama. She just liked to manage her team, she was great at shouting and escorting people. That's all she did and she liked it that way. She overheard people talking about seven new kids, but she only met four. Who were the other three? She wanted to find out, maybe she should ask the four we already met? She was deep in thought as she walked over to their dance room. School was already over and you could go back to your dorm, but their group liked to practice after school. Some other groups did this too, Anh wondered if the group that shared the room with them did that too. She opened the door to find... nobody. This was normal the others were always late, they then came in the order of Annie, Faith, Lynh, and Nikki. The door swiftly opened, Anh opened her mouth to scold whoever it was. But instead of any of the FAL-N crew members it was another boy. He had messy but perfect looking hair and was wearing a hoodie with some blue skinny jeans on. Was he one of the new students she hasn't met? And were they all in the dance elective?! They were probably all friends, after all they all joined the school at the same time.
"Ummm... Hi." Anh said. The boy seemed to jump as he turned back, as if he didn't notice she was there.
"Oh hi. Didn't notice you there." Of course. Anh thought.
"Well I'm Anh and this is my group's practice room. And I'm assuming that your with Jin and the others." Anh said with a curious look.
"I'm Kim Taeyhung, you can just call me Tae. And ya I am in the group with them." He said with a smile. He was tall, that was for sure and he seemed like he could get into trouble like all the other boys.
"Great, well we're sharing dance rooms. I don't dance but I watch and manage my group." Anh said proudly, just then Jimin burst through the door looking around. He just looked at the two of them, a relieved look fell on his face.
"Hey Jimin! Sorry I wasn't here for you in the first dance practice. I got lost." Taeyhung said giggling, he then was walked over to Jimin and put his arm around his shoulder. From there the others started to come in, Lynh, Annie, and Faith. Of course Jungkook didn't come, after that fight he might as well be suspended.

sorry this chapter's short this was kind of an writers block part for all of us :P

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