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~Faith's POV~

Faith looked around the dance room, she kept staring at him. She didn't know his name, and was too awkward to ask. She was the type that just wait for things to happen when it came to love and crushes. He had hair that suited him perfectly and looked great in the uniform, that was for sure. Just then it happened, her waiting tactic worked and he came over to Faith.

"Hey I haven't met you before." He said with a quirky grin.

"Uhh.. ya hi... I'm umm..." Her voice trailed off. Ugh! Why am I so awkward especially around the the guys I like!

"Umm, what?" He asked with a look that said to hurry up.

"My name's Faith, and yours?" She asked regaining confidence.

"My name's Kim Taehyung. You can all me anything you want." He said. Faith just stared, what should she say next. She didn't want to make any awkward silence.

"So do you make songs or.." Of course he made songs! Faith thought wanting to slap herself.

"Well sometimes. The others do more writing than I do, I guess I just like to sing." Her eyes grew wide. Was he a vocalist like her? Her heart was pounding. She had to get out of the conversation before she said anything stupid.

"Well, I should, uhh.. go practice now. Bye!" Faith said quickly, stood up and dashed off to the others. She looked back. He noticed her glance back at him and made an adorable derp face. She looked away swiftly, digging her face into her hands.
~Tae's POV~
He kept seeing her look back, he didn't know much about her. Faith, what a nice name. She seemed like a girl that was nice, she was shy to him. And very awkward from what he could see. Tae thought about all of these things. As the mom of their group Jin, told them their positions. He looked at the other half of the room interested in what the girls were doing. They were impressive. They sung while dancing, and probably composed the music too. As dance practice went on they left one by one. Tae went with Jimin. He wanted to tell Jimin, but what advice could he give him about girls? Nothing. Tae just decided to keep quite.

~Lynh's POV~
Lynh was tired. When wasn't she? Who am I kidding, Nikki's always the most tired out of all of us. She thought walking towards her dorm. She noticed Faith wasn't there, but remembered seeing her walking out the door. She must have needed some, alone time. Maybe I should do that. Lynh walked outside, it was warm but cloudy. The perfect weather. Lynh started to walk, she looked at the landscape of the academy garden. Then caught a glimpse of Jungkook. He was walking over the patch of flowers, which were arranged nicely. It wasn't really walking, more trampling. There was another boy with him. Min Yoongi? Jungkook looked back around her direction. She quickly started to run, why was she always running from him. She felt like she was going to cry again.
Ugh. Stay strong Lynh! Run through the pain. Just run through the pain.
*Sigh. Is this really my love life? Lynh thought as her running slowed back into a walk. She wanted to get to know him. Not just run away from him! He was intimidating but, she saw his softer side the first time they met. But she didn't know how to talk to him. Maybe I should try to get to know his friends first. Lynh thought, regaining confidence and turning back. She headed towards Yoongi. He wasn't cute in the handsome way but, adorable.
"Uh...hi." Lynh said, she looked at Yoongi. He was concentrated on what Jungkook was doing than to notice. She walked a little closer the gravel crunched under her steps, allowing Yoongi to notice someone there.
"Hey...Lynh, right?" he asked, Lynh nodded not knowing what to say. He looked back at Jungkook then started to walk over to him. Lynh overheard them talking about something, grinning. Lynh awkwardly stood there, ugh. this was such a bad fricking idea. Out of nowhere Jungkook started to climb on to the statue, he climbed to the top of the statue without struggle. Lynh just watched wondering what he was gonna do. Jungkook got something out of his pocket. Spray Paint. He started spraying paint on to the statue making a mess of it's face.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Lynh shouted. He ignored her, Yoongi just looked at her and grinned. What the hell does he think he's doing to the Timmy Statue?! (Founder of Waterford) Lynh just hustled away realising it was almost time for next class. It's better if I just avoid the trouble. Lynh thought walking towards the school building. 
Anh headed towards her class as well. Trying to avoid people as much as possible, she wasn't really the type to talk to people that she just randomly met in the hall. Just the people she knows, which in this situation was nobody, just a ton of messed up seniors. Her next class was Math, Advanced Math to be exact. She had no idea why she was in the class, it wasn't like she tried in the class. She didn't understand anything and the pace of the class was way too fast. Anh silently went into the Math class and sat down.
"Hey, isn't that Namjoon?" Anh overheard a group of kids talking beside her. They stared at the boy directly in front of her. He looked pretty tall and intimidating from behind. He then turned his head to the left showing part of his face. Egg. Anh thought smirking.
"Oh yeah, I heard he breaks fricking everything." They started to talk again. Doesn't bother me as long as he doesn't break any of my stuff. Anh just got out her textbook as class started, looking uninterested.
Lynh luckily made it to her History class, she had one of the strict teachers. The type that yell at you for the smallest things, and choose kids they like or tease. Yeah. That kind. The teacher started to take role calling out people's names. Why not just look at the seating chart. This is just complicated. Especially in a fricking loud mouth class that will never shut up. Lynh tried not to focus on the other kid's dumb conversations and just listened for her name. She realized that the teacher had called, "Jungkook." Lynh just sat there, That ASSHOLE. What's his problem. Why am I even mad, I just need to stay out of it. If I say anything he would probably beat me up for it. After what he has done to the statue, right in front of her too. He just straight up ignored her. Why did I think he was nice and great just because he caught me when I fell, and looked...HAWT. God what am I thinking. Actually trying and concentrating, just to get her mind off of Jungkook. That, boy.


Yo Annie here, so I'm your savoir now since this account is pretty dead. I'll be publishing the remaining chapters and probably end this book when I do publish all of them. Anyways, thanks for readying ;D - Annie

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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