Oops. - Chapter 5

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Pinkamena's POV

Jeff ruined my cupcakes today. I'm going to throw his knife set into a lake later.

Anyways haha, BEN was following me around EVERYWHERE asking if I wanted to play video games. That kid needs a girlfriend, like seriously.

Anyways, have I ever mentioned how relaxing laying out in the sun is? I layed out in the sun for a little while today. It was relaxing. Until, Jeff poured a bucket of spiders on me. He laughed the whole time I was screaming and flaling my arms and legs around. I hate him so much...

I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine, though. Hahaha.

Payback is a bitch, Jeff. Payback is a bitch.

Anyways, my plan will have to go into action soon. I got Masky to give Jeff a mission, so my plan will work. He CANNOT be around when it's happening. Sooo....

Jeff has left, and I'm in his room now. I grabbed his knifeset, and rushed downstairs, and out the door. I headed off to a lake in the woods nearby. I eventually reached it, and chucked it, then laughed. KARMA BITCH.

Haha, anyways. Nothing else very eventful happened. I'm probably gonna get my ass kicked for doing that, but who cares? I can just prank him again.

Here is the next chapter! Sorry for taking so long to update. Writer's block is the most annoying thing ever.

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