If I Could Turn Back Time

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Thank God it's Friday! It's now 4 pm and the end of the work week is here. My new assistant has been more than helpful. We managed to get completely caught up on five new authors and are ready to give contracts out to two of them. I'm super proud of that! Tress is different than Hannah, but very sweet. She almost seems a bit nervous around me. Not sure as to why yet. But maybe she's just one of those people that it takes them awhile to get cozy with you. I miss having girl time. Maybe if I bring it up that I'm the laid back type and really enjoy having sit down chit chats, she'll come around. I want her to be comfortable around me.

So I called Hannah yesterday evening after work to see how things are going. She told me not very well. Her mom's condition is getting worse and they are looking at putting her on the waiting list for a new kidney. Dialysis is not working anymore. I feel so bad for her and tell her to do whatever she needs to do.

Sitting at my desk reading yet another new author's book when my phone rings.

"Hello beautiful!"

"Hi yourself my sexy hubby! How's your day going?"

"Well... It's been pretty boring. That is until about two minutes ago."

"Oh? And what happened two minutes ago?"

"I got a very exciting call from Gail who said she has something to tell us. Hold on a second baby and I'll patch her in so we can both hear together."

I hear silence followed by a soft click.

"Okay Gail, are you there?"

"Yes sir I am!" Gail says with enthusiasm.

"Ana, are you there?" Christian ask.

"Yes I am!"

"Alright Gail, we're all ears. What's up?"

Gail takes a deep breath then cries out, "He crawled!!"

"Aaaahhhhh!!!" Christian and I scream with joy.

"Are you serious Gail? Teddy bear is crawling and I missed it?" I double check with her.

"Yes Ana....But it was only about a foot in distance before he lost his arm strength."

Tears are running down my cheeks in a combination of happiness and sadness. I'm happy he's starting to crawl, but I missed it. I can hear Teddy bear squealing in happiness in the background.

"Oh oh, let me let you go. He's trying to do it again! I'll try to record it on my phone for you two." Gail says quickly and hangs up.

"Ana? Ana you still there?"

I'm sniffling back tears. "Yes I'm still here."

"I can't believe it! He's crawling baby! He's crawling! Oh wow! Our baby boy is growing up so fast. Do babies usually crawl this early? I'm gonna look it up. Oh wow! I just am....Wow! I bet he's a fast learner like me. Now watch... He'll be trying to walk next month!"

Christian just keeps going on and on and on. But my heart aches. I missed it. I missed my first born take his first step at crawling. I know Gail is trying to help by recording it. But I wanted to see it for the first time in person.

"Baby? Are you ok? Why aren't you jumping for joy? I thought you'd be happier than this. Talk to me, please."

"I....... I...... I missed it." I'm crying hard now.


It's breaking my heart to hear my wife crying over such a momentous event in our first borns life. I wish I could turn back the clock for her. For both of us. But how can we both run our companies and still be there for those moments. This will take some thinking. However, first things first. My wife and I are going home immediately.

"Ana..... get your stuff together. We're going home. Now!"


As I sit at my desk my mind is constantly wandering back to my very uncomfortable conversation earlier this week with Mrs. Lincoln. I learn that Ana is none other than Mrs. Christian Grey, and they have a baby. But what frightens me is the things Elena said to me. That woman is evil and dangerous! Oh what to do. I'm growing fond of Ana, even though it's only been a week. She's so sweet and kind to me. I'm happy for her and for Mr. Grey. I need to tell them of what I have been told... but how. I phoned a friend of mine, Dr. Heidi Jackson, yesterday. She agreed to meet me tomorrow, but said we have to be careful and make sure we aren't followed. She works at Seattle Medical Center. I have a very uneasy feeling there's a lot more I need to know and that something really bad is going down.

My thoughts are quickly broken when I hear Ana. Oh my God... is she ok? I jump up from my desk and stand with my ear to the door.

Straining to hear, I hear her starting to cry. I'll give her a minute or two then knock.

Knock knock knock....

"Ana? Are you alright? I thought I heard a scream."

"I missed it." She mumbles.

"I don't understand. Missed what?"

"My baby. He crawled. And I missed it."

I'm not sure what to say to her. I don't have children of my own. So I try my best to comfort her.

"Oh Ana, I'm so sorry. It'll be okay. Why don't you go on home and be with your baby. I can handle things here. Go on now."

"Thank you Tress. Actually I am going to head home. My husband is on his way here to get me."

Oh shit! Oh shit! I can't let him see me. If he finds out I work with his wife....I can only imagine what he'll do to me. Plus I want to get the whole story from Heidi of what's going on so I can warn them. I must stay low key and out of sight. I learned on my first day that she rides to work every day with her security guy.

"Have you called your security guy yet?"

"No, I was going to. He needs to know we are  leaving."

"Oh please allow me. He can come up to help you with your things and have you ready to leave immediately."

Good plan I think. Anything to keep Christian from coming up here. I race downstairs and find her security.

"Excuse me." I say as I tap him on the shoulder.

"Yes ma'am. How can I help you?" Sawyer says as he stands up tall and professional like.

Geez why does this guy have to be so hot and cute!

"Sorry to bother you, but I'm to inform you that Mrs. Grey will be leaving for the day. And Mr. Grey is on his way here."

"Is she okay? She usually calls me or texts me these things." He states confused.

"She received a call about her baby starting to crawl for the first time and she missed it. Of course this upset her so she wants to go home." I explain as quickly as I can.

Inside my head I'm shouting, "Come on Hot Stuff, get her outta here. Move it move it!"

"Thank you ma'am. I'll go get here right away." He tells me with a nod and smile.

I follow him up. I can't help admire the delectable view of his firm ass. Focus girl... focus. I think to myself.

As we are helping her pack up for the day, her phone pings.

"Sawyer, Christian is here." Ana says with a smile. "He's on his way up."

Ok Tress...Time to make yourself invisible.

"Ana, please excuse me. I need to use the restroom."

I fast pace my butt to the bathroom and decide to hide out until they're gone. Then I finish up for the day and go home at 5. Heidi will be calling tonight around 7pm about when and where to me her tomorrow.

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