History Repeats Itself

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(Tress POV)

It's 5 am on Saturday morning. I'm meeting Heidi at the hospital at 6 am. She said this was the safest plan. I wish I knew what she needs to tell me. She's never been so skittish and secretive before. It's driving me crazy.

I walk into Seattle Medical Center. Following the signs to the elevators, then press the call button. As the doors open I step in and press 4. My heart is pounding. I watch the numbers. Floor 2...3.....4 ding! As the doors open and I start to step out, I see her. She looks like hell. Like she hasn't slept in days. Dark circles under her eyes, her warm long brown hair tied in a "I just rolled out of bed" ponytail. 

"Heidi? What's going on?"

"Shhhh.....Come with me.... quickly." She says in a hushed voice.

I follow her down the hall then into a room with private conference room on the door. 

"Please sit down Tress. Would you like some coffee?" She asks as she locks the door.

"Yes please."

I watch as she pours us both a cup and brings it over, setting it down with shaking hands.

"What's going on with you? You look like hell, you're hands are shaking. Talk to me. Cause this cloak and dagger thing is just..."

"Please stop. Look, did anyone follow you here?" 

"Uh no. I don't think so."

"Good. I'm sorry I'm being so paranoid, but I have good reason." Heidi sighs.

"Heidi, you're my friend. You can tell me anything."

"Ok. What I'm about to tell you, you can't tell anyone that you know about it. But before I say anything, I need to know something. When you called me, you asked me if I had spoken to Mrs. Lincoln lately. And that what she told you made you feel uncomfortable. What did she say to you?"

"I called her and asked how she was. She asked if I have heard about Christian. I said, I'm not sure what you mean. She told me he married some mousy little gold digging bitch named Ana. And then said the little slut has now trapped Christian with a baby. I didn't know what to say, so I responded with an "oh wow... really." She said, "Where have you been?" She couldn't believe I didn't know. I explained that I have been out of the country for the past 2 years. I just got back a few months ago."

"I see. Well I do know quite a few things. Let me start with what I know and have found out." She takes a long sip of her coffee, then clears her throat preparing herself. "It started almost a year and a half ago. Do you know Leila Williams? She was a sub that Elena sent to Christian."

"I don't think so. Was she before me?"

"No, she was a good while after you. I was before you. I remember Christian calling me asking if I would mind talking to you. I remember that's how we met. He did the same thing with you, right?"

"Yes. That's how I met Aubrey. And a few months later I met another woman named Dawn. Aubrey refused to meet Dawn. She said losing Christian was too hard on her. She started falling for him, and the thought of even talking to a woman who was replacing her was more than she could handle."

"He was very easy to fall for. But the fact that he refused to kiss any of us on the lips was what kept my mind on the understanding that we were only there to be used for sex."

I remember feeling the same way.

"So you were telling me about what's going on. Please continue," I plead her.

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