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"i like you."

the words rang in his ear, repeating themselves over and over. his mind skipped over his memory, jieun's face being shown every now and then. her smile, her laugh, her voice. he could hear her voice. he could see her smile. he could feel the guilty pit in his stomach increasing. yeri stood at the doorway, awaiting his answer.

"i, uh, i gotta go. bye." he blurted, walking away from yeri's house.

she frowned as she watched his retreating figure disappear out of her neighborhood. did she do something wrong? did he not like her? she thought after all the time they had spent together, he returned the same feelings she had for him the day she met him.

yeri slowly closed her door. she placed the popcorn bowl in the sink and slowly walked back up to her room. she sat on her bed and thought to herself. was there something wrong with her? maybe she just mistook his kindness for something else. but she could've sworn he was feeling at least somewhat similar feelings, right? she shook her head and headed to her desk, completing the leftover homework she hadn't gotten to yet.


joy unnie


joy unnie
i need to talk to you


joy unnie

joy unnie
be @ my place in 20 minutes


yeri was confused. why did joy so suddenly need to talk to her? and about jungkook too? she shook her head and prepared to get ready to go joy's house. she swapped out her sweatpants for leggings, but kept on her oversized sweatshirt. her hair was up in a ponytail, and she was wear her glasses because she felt to lazy to put her contacts in.

she said a quick word to her parents before exiting her house, hopping into the car, and driving to joy's. she got there shortly; joy's house wasn't too far. she parked and exited, strolling over to joy's front door. before she could even knock, the door opened and joy pulled her in quickly.

"upstairs." was all joy said as she led yeri up the stairs.

joy opened her bedroom door to reveal the other 3 girls of the group waiting for her. yeri was confused. was this like an intervention?

"yeri, we have something to tell you." irene announced. yeri nodded, taking a seat between joy and seulgi on joy's bed. wendy sat in a bean bag chair near the bed while irene sat in joy's desk chair.

"what is it? joy told me it's about jungkook." yeri replied.

"yeri, do you like jungkook?" seulgi asked. yeri's cheeks flushed red.

"uh, maybe. why?"

the 4 girls exchanged looks.

"jungkook...he's only loved one person..." wendy started.

"...and he's not going to love another one." joy finished. yeri's heart slightly broke.

"why?" yeri opened her mouth before she could stop herself.

"it's a long story, but i guess we should tell you." seulgi sighed.

"in freshmen year, jungkook and this girl, lee jieun, were interested in each other. after becoming close, they dated and everyone thought they were adorable. they had a strong relationship leading into sophomore year." irene began to explain.

"what happened in sophomore year?" yeri questioned.

"a car crash. a big one too. we don't know how it happened, but apparently a truck hit the side of a car that jungkook and jieun were in. the truck hit jieun's side. they were both taken the hospital right away. jungkook ended up with a broken arm and some scratches, but jieun wasn't so lucky."

"what happened to her?"

"due to major brain damage, she got a got a concussion and fell into a coma. she also had a few broken ribs. but she fell into a deep coma. and sadly, she's still in that coma to this day. it's been over a year since it's happened. and jungkook swore that he would never love another person again. he blames himself for that accident. he feels guilty that he still gets to live his life while jieun is stuck in that hospital bed."

"that's why he pushed me away." yeri mumbled to herself.


"i think i made a mistake." yeri said softly. "i confessed my feelings to him."

"what did he say?" seulgi asked.

"he just left. he said he needed to leave and walked away."

"yeri, you know it's not your fault, right? you didn't know." joy stated, trying to comfort her.

"but i feel guilty! i probably put him into an awkward position. i bet he won't even talk to me."

"i'm sure that's not true. you're the first person he's made friends with since the accident. you're probably one of his closest friends."

"yeah, and i had to go ruin that by confessing my feelings towards him." yeri groaned, shoving her hands into her face.

"just because you confessed doesn't mean you can't continue to be friends with him."

"but our friendship will be all awkward."

"it doesn't have to be. i'm sure if you let him cool off a little and explain to him that he doesn't have to accept your feelings and you would be fine staying as friends, it shouldn't be that awkward."

"are you sure he doesn't think i'm weird or something?"

they laugh. "no, yeri, i don't think that's how he feels about you." joy laughs.

"in my opinion, ever since you came, jungkook's been way happier than he has been for the past year." seulgi said.

"i don't know, yeri. maybe jungkook might have to break his promise."

"break his promise? what do you mean by that?"

"nothing, squirtle. joy, do you have any food?"


hihihihihi! if couldn't tell, i update this book every other door, so i try hard to stick to that schedule. i hope you enjoyed this chapter!! i think this book will also be only 10 chapters which means tHE END IS NIGH!1!! idk i'll have to see how much i write in each chapter.

also there's so many good jungri fics out there that make mine look like trash. like lie and querencia are my faves currently and idk why like do i have a gang fetish or something but literally i'm in love with those books and my books are trash lolololol jk my books are just like cheesy and sad lmao.

anyways don't forget to vote and comment!!


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