35 - Falling into Place

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35 – Falling into Place

Starshine scurried across the office floor as he chased after Tad, flapping his wings and shouting something garbled as he tried to string words together. The ones that stood out were 'berry', 'Tad' and 'play'. The rest just weren't registering in Tinker's mind at all.

He watched them as he jotted down notes for upgrades to his transporter device. He had the daunting feeling it would be in high demand very soon, and so far the only one who was brave enough to use it was himself. Skipper only knew about it by accident and that was because he'd walked into the room marked 'keep out' while looking for Starshine the previous night. (He'd apologised to Tinker and said he'd just gone into 'overprotective uncle mode', assuming there were dangerous tools in there a hatchling shouldn't be playing with.)

"She's right, yanno."

Skipper's voice made Tinker jump. He looked up at him, his eyes widening for a brief moment. "Huh?"

"Cleo. She's right. We cannae keep 'im locked up in here all th'time."

Skipper had his paws folded behind his head, watching the two baby pokemon bat a ball of paper back and forth.

Tinker looked away from him and scribbled something nonsensical. He wasn't thinking straight. Cleo, Starshine, fairy pokemon... his head was a mess.

"I think it's 'bout time," Skipper said slowly, "that we introduce 'im to th'rest o' th'pokemon 'ere."

Tinker crinkled his nose. "It wouldn't go down well."

"They already know 'bout 'im, Tink. It's not fair. He needs freedom t'run around, an' don't tek this th'wrong way, but yer office aint exactly safe fer a wee hatchling who's found his legs."

Tinker looked up as Starshine crashed into a box of papers, the documents fluttering into the air as it was toppled over, covering the little swablu in a cascade of notes and diagrams. Tad rolled onto his back in fits of laughter, drawing an amused glance from Starshine.

"That was funny, aye?!" Tad looked up at his uncle.

"S'funny." Starshine skittered across the floor towards the mudkip, flapping his fluffy wings.

Tad leapt aside, causing the swablu to skid across the floor onto his bottom.

"Don't encourage 'im, lad!" Skipper told him. "Ye'll be makin' him into a trouble maker like yeself!"

"It's just a bit o' fun," Tad whined.

"S'funny!" chirruped Starshine.

Tinker stared at the two pokemon wordlessly. He couldn't deny Cleo was right. They should try to introduce Starshine to the others. There was also the issue of what would happen to Starshine when he had to report to Meredith to make sure the medicine had been delivered. He couldn't very well leave him here. Sure, he could trust Skipper to watch him, but the marshstomp had his own duties to attend to, not babysit.

"What's wrong, Tinker?" Skipper asked.

Tinker looked round at him. "Oh. Nothing."

"Don't look like nothin'." The marshstomp crossed his arms. "C'mon. Ye can tell me. Is it what Cleo said? Are ye worried?"

Tinker rubbed a paw down his face. "Actually, yes. I think she's right. We should introduce him to the rest of New City. It's only right they know he's living here, and this office clearly isn't safe for a rambunctious little pokemon to play in." He paused and fixed Skipper with his good eye. "I also have to pop over to the next Outcast town to check Cleo's delivered that medicine."

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