36 - Flygon Times

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36 – Flygon Times

The training room was empty save for a lone target on the far wall. It was a shoddy design, nothing more than a mere sheet of metal with a ring motif on it.

Rio hadn't come in with Enigma. Neither had the heliolisk. The chains had been thread through a metal slat in the door and the sound of a heavy lock falling into place cut through the silence of the room, echoing off the bare walls.

"As you can see," Rio's voice came through a hidden loudspeaker, "the only thing for you to attack in this room is that target over there. I'm not foolish enough to have you face off against one of my assistants. On the back of that target is a gauge that will record your attack power."

Enigma snorted and looked behind him at the blank wall. Was it a one-way window? Or was there a hidden peep-hole somewhere? Whatever it was, he couldn't see the foolish meowstic. He dusted down his scarf and fell back against the wall.

"Enigma, are you going to use one of your attacks?"

It was more of a command than a question, but Enigma had no intention of entertaining that maniac. He'd stand here all day if he had to.

There was a long pause while they waited, and Enigma could almost picture the meowstic's face twisting with impatience. He stifled a chuckle and crossed his arms, staring across at that lone, pathetic target.

A surge of burning electricity shot up his arms and through his body. He let out a yell and dropped to the floor. The attack stopped as suddenly as it had started and Enigma cursed loudly.

"That was just a warning shot," Rio spoke softly. "If you don't co-operate, the next one will be a lot worse."

Enigma struggled to his feet and shot a sneer at the blank wall.

"I refuse to play your games, Rio!"

"Oh, this isn't a game. This is a test. And so far, you're failing."

Enigma shook his head. "Test... who cares if I fail?"

"You will."

The constant tingling sensation from the cuffs worsened and Enigma flinched. He looked down at them, almost expecting them to be glowing.

"Now," Rio voice was nearly a growl. "Aim an attack at that target."

Enigma felt a wave of nausea flow through his chest. If he didn't obey, he'd probably die here. But of course... if he was Rio's experiment, would the meowstic really want that? He licked his dry lips and glanced back at the wall, narrowing his eyes.

"How far are you willing to go?" he asked.

Rio laughed. "Oh! I wouldn't provoke me if I were you, Enigma."

"Let's face it." Enigma crossed his arms and gave the wall a mocking smile. "I'm no use to you dead."

"Actually, you are," Rio said bluntly. "Without you around, I wouldn't have to worry about you. But you're held captive now, which as far as you're concerned is 'as good as'."

Enigma snarled.

"Now attack that target!" Rio's voice blared out of the hidden speaker, echoing around the room.

Attack the target... Enigma growled and lashed out at the wall, raking his claws down the immaculate surface. Long, deep rivets appeared in the woodwork, revealing the former oak colouring.

A violent shock wave shot through his body, crippling him and sending him dropping to the floor with a heavy thud. The attack didn't let up until Enigma started to cough violently. He lay on the ground, trying to desperately catch his breath.

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