A mission?

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Wally POV

It's been a month since I first went on a date with Dick and I love him so much! We have been on more dates and just know this is going to be a great relationship. Of course, there's no time to think about that now. We are on a mission. We have to fight this giant robot that's creating havoc everywhere. Even the league is helping us, Green and Red arrow are shooting at it and me and Flash are keeping it distracted. I can see Robin out of the corner of my eye fighting it. Batman is throwing his batarangs and the Martians are throwing stuff at it with there minds, etc. Everyone was there.

Then the robot collapsed. E were all shocked as the sudden stop, but a victory was a victory. That was when I realised that Robin was missing. I looked everywhere and couldn't did him. Then I felt someone's hand over my mouth, pulling me into a black sleep.

I woke up in a dimly lit room with grey walls and water dripping from the ceiling. There was a locked door, in which had maybe five locks. I wasn't chained or restricted in anyway, allowing me to crawl towards the figure in the corner of the room. It was a still asleep Robin. I shook his shoulder and his eyes snapped open. He gripped my arm tightly then relaxed when he noticed it was me. "Where are we?" He asked.

I didn't know. I told him I didn't know. He sighed loudly and shakily stood. He stretched his legs and arms until he had shook off the drug induced sleep. It was then that a man walked through the door with a needle in hit hand: the type with a drug inside. He spoke, "don't try to fight. There is no way out. This is truth syrum. One of you will take it and answer my questions. Who?" I saw Robin give a slight smirk before dropping it and putting on a scared face. Wow he's a good actor.

"KF, you can't. I don't want you to. I'll take it." He said, walking to the man timidly. I myself put on a very genuine terrified expression.

The unidentified man strapped Robin to a table that rose from floor and injected the syrum into him. He began to ask questions, "what is your name?"


"Your real name?"


"Who are you under the mask?"


"Fine then, where do you live?"


"Where on earth?"


"Where in America?"

"On the land"

"Please answer my questions properly! Do you live in Gotham?"


"Where in Gotham?"

"My house"

"And where is your house?"

"Where I live."

"Fine! Let's try something more personal since I'm not gonna get your identity that way."

"Why not just take off my mask?"

"This is more fun. Are you in a relationship?"


"Who with?"

"My boyfriend."

"Who is your boyfriend?"

"The person I love"

"Who do you love?"

"My boyfriend"

It was then that Robin lashed out. I had no idea how but he had escaped the cuffs. He hit the man hard on the head so he'd collapse then began picking the locks on his feet. "Come on then KF!" He smirked walking out the still open door. I followed awestruck.

I stated as he kicked and punched and with a grace I'd never seen in him before. He fought better that usual and with moves that... Could kill. He didn't kill anyone but he fought like an assassin; perfectly able to kill if he kicked even a tiny bit harder. After a while I realised that he had been holding back all this time. He was hiding something. Perhaps even a second life. A life where he... Killed. But he was a good friend so I'd hold my doubts. I decided to follow him a few times, to find out the truth for myself.

So, I had planned for his identity to be discovered a different way, but I guess this way could be a bit more exciting and hold more tension and suspense. Peace out!

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