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Anna's p.o.v

Yes, me and Nessie have school today which I'm so excited, NOT, Nessie told me about school before and she said its like hell but instead of the devil you have the cheerleaders and jocks

I get dressed in black skinny jeans, baby blue tank top, black converses with a black leather jacket

I grab my bag for school, have a bowl of vanilla ice-cream for breakfast while Nessie had a coffee then she left to school in her pale pink Volvo and I left on my black motorcycle

I arrived at school and parked next to Nessie's car, I pull my helmet off and grabbed my bag

I went over to Nessie while everyone continued to stare, I glared at everyone evilly making them look away scared

" Come on " Nessie said while dragging me to the office

I have the same classes as Nessie except for maths and guess what I have first, MATHS. I walk to my maths class and my teacher Miss Peach was yelling at everyone telling them to be quite

" You must be Annabella Cullen" Miss peach said while facing me With a small grin

" Please call me Anna " I said politely

" Well Anna, take a seat next to Luke" she said pointing to a football player at the back row

I sat down next to Luke, class went slow and boring but finally the bell rang and I stood up to leave only to feel Luke slap my ass

I turned to him and saw a evil smirk on his face while I smiled innocently then punched him in the face, he stood up angrily and tried to shove me away from him but I moved to the side making him miss, kicked him in the balls then shoved him to the ground

I was sent to the principals office and got suspended for 1 week, oh shit hopefully I don't get in shit from mum and dad

I called Nessie and she laughed when I told her and she said that Seth will be mad at Luke for touching his girlfriends ass, felt good to hear that cause we hadn't really talked about if we were boyfriend and girlfriend

I got on my motorcycle and drove home nervously, my first day and I already caused shit , well really it wasn't my fault I was only sticking up for myself


I got home and walked inside only to see Seth, jake, my parents and everyone else sitting in the living room talking

" Hey guys" I said while sitting on Seth's lap making him smile

" Why are you home so early " dad asked curiously

" I sorta got suspended for 1 week " I said happily

Mum and dad stood up looking mad

" YOU WHAT" mum yelled angrily

" On your first day, how did you get suspended " dad questioned curiously

" I beat the shit out of this guy named Luke " I said amused

" Why" jake asked curiously

" He slapped my ass " I said annoyed even thinking about Luke made me annoyed

Seth, mum, dad and pretty much everyone else growled violently looking like they were going to tear off someone's head

" Calm down, I took care of him" I said evilly

" I guess" mum sighed annoyed

Nessie suddenly ran threw the door and everyone got worried as they saw a bruise forming on her cheek

" Who did that to you" I hissed angrily

" Luke's girlfriend holly, she said payback for hitting her boyfriend " Nessie said while jake hugged her

I got up and ran out the door, got on my motorcycle and went back to the school even though I'm not even allowed to be there but oh the fuck well


I saw holly making out with Luke in the halls of the school and I ran up to her furiously

" HOW DARE YOU HIT MY SISTER" I screamed while tackling her to the ground

I punched her in the face until blood was covering my fist and her not so perfect face, I stood up kicked her in the stomach then kicked Luke in the balls again before taking a photo of them on the ground next to each other

Holly was knocked out cold while Luke was holding his private area as I walked to my motorcycle and drove home with an proud smirk


I got home and took my phone out, found the photo I took of holly and Luke then gave my phone to Nessie

She smiled then handed the phone around, after everyone saw it I took my phone and put it back in my pocket

" You are gonna be the biggest trouble maker in the school by the end of the week" Nessie giggled while rolling her eyes

I laughed evilly before sitting on Seth's lap, I leaned my head on his chest tiredly. Beating people up is tiring as fuck hahah or I'm just lazy as shit

I take Seth's hand and guide him outside, we walk all the way to La Push while chatting and laughing together . We walk along the beach before deciding to go for a swim

We didn't bring swimmers so we went in the clothes we were wearing haha it was freezing but Seth held me close so his warmth eventually made me not so cold

We sat on the beach after our swim and watched the sun set in each other's arms . We later on laid back and watched as the stars appeared

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