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"It's been a long time since I came around
Been a long time but I'm back in town
This time I'm not leaving without you."
- Lady Gaga, You and I

Knowing that Slate will leave in a matter of days has me getting lonely. I want to feel his presence around me – Hell, I want to see him every time. I feel like there's going to be a missing puzzle piece whenever he's not around me.

Now I'm trying to isolate myself, kind of practicing, because Slate leaving is inevitable. In fact he might get called now and leave immediately than wait for few more days.

Slate notices what I'm doing and tries to talk me out of it, stating that he'll just be gone for a few days yet he can't tell me how many days. He just keeps saying that it's just a few days, but who is he kidding? I'm not stupid. I know that he'll be gone for so many days – it could take a week or a month. Don't ask me why I know – I just do.

Surprisingly Slate doesn't do anything that will force me to acknowledge him. He just keeps letting out an exasperated sigh here and there, or whenever his eyes meet mine and I'd avoid it. Right now I'm staring at the city of Brooklyn – the sky is a bit dimmer, dark clouds swirling above the buildings of Brooklyn city, indicating that it's going to rain sooner or later. Looking down, though they just look so tiny like ants up here from where I'm seated on the floor cross-legged, the mortals are starting to run – some are jogging as they must have forgotten to bring umbrellas. Weather news must have forgotten to inform them. Much people don't really like the rain whereas I do. The winter, the autumn, the spring, and the winter – I love them all. People don't see it, but they really need those weathers. Except for the storms.

"Hey, are you mad at me?" Slate's voice suddenly shocks me and I jump a bit, whirling my head around to glare at him. He gives me an apologetic smile, something that he usually doesn't do. It makes me happy (though I'm going to try to hide it) that he can give that kind of smile to me. "Sorry if I scared you. So are you still mad at me?"

Am I mad at Slate? I'm not. "No, I'm not, Slate. You know that." I whisper, shaking my head and looking out to the city of Brooklyn through the window. The clouds get darker and darker as each second passes by. Slate takes a seat beside me, cross-legged, and I scoot beside him and rest my head on his shoulder. I hope he doesn't mind. When my head rests on his shoulder, he doesn't tense or jerk my head away, he just lets my head rest on his broad shoulder, one of the things I like about his physical features. "It's just that... Slate, you will be gone for God knows how long, and the last time you have left me... I nearly got killed had not Maki interfered and saved me."

Remembering the day I almost got killed, I shudder at the memory – I'm still thankful at Maki for saving me. It's because of him that I'm still living here, with Slate, in our unit in the city of Brooklyn. Slate tenses when I mentioned Maki's name. Slate really hates Maki, or Dantalion. I don't really know why Slate hates him – it seems like he just does without any valid reasons. But then again, I have yet to know the background of Slate and Maki, and they must have had a sour past for them to be like this – hating each other.

Turning my body, I look at him and see that his jaw is clenched and now I'm contemplating whether I should put my arms around him tight, or do nothing at all. Slate turns his face to look at me, and his lips are set in a thin line, and his gaze is hard on me. It feels like he's stripping every inch of me with the intense look in his eyes.

I squirm against his intense gaze, getting uncomfortable. I shouldn't have mentioned Dantalion's name – his name has an effect on Slate, and it's not the good kind of effect. It triggers something inside him that I have yet to know, or it will remain a mystery to me. Perhaps if Slate trusts me enough (do demons trust?), he'd tell me everything about his past and himself.

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