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Slate and I both want to take our times to do the marking. We don't want to rush. More so, he doesn't want to rush me at all. According to him, he knows that everything takes time and we shouldn't be rushing at all as we've got all the time even though I told him already that we just have a few days before he... dies. Of course I fear him dying. I'm scared because what if this didn't work? What if the demon marking didn't work at all and he died? I know I've been overthinking – everyone could see that – but I just can't help it. My mind keeps popping up questions that I can't really answer, and I fear them all.

Later that day, I see Slate getting busy helping the werewolves from fixing some of the cabins and houses. Apparently, the Great Alpha and Beta, and the Guardian were so angry that they howled so loud that caused the wooden houses and cabins to fall down. There was a commotion happened earlier, and it's about the Guardian of the Werewolves getting rejected by his human mate. According to Leandre, being rejected means basically dying for a werewolf. And according to Leandre, the Guardian chose to let go his mate rather than pursuing his mate to be with him just to save himself from dying.

That is one act of love: sacrificing yourself just to benefit your loved ones.

This evening, everyone is in chaos. Every werewolf that I pass by is whispering among their friends that the Guardian werewolf is missing. Earlier, according to what I heard, the Guardian werewolf was saying something under his breath that no one could decipher. They believed that it was just an effect of getting rejected, but there was fears in the Guardian's eyes. They were glowing blue and he was saying something that nobody could understand. And now, he's missing. The Great Alpha and Beta and their mates look for the Guardian.

Two arms slip around me from behind, pulling me closer and my back hits a hard chest. I smile, knowing that familiarity of secureness and comfortableness from my demon. I look up at him through my eyelashes and see he has a smile tugged on his sinful lips, the lips that I always want to put mine on. Slate leans down and plants a kiss on my forehead and I give out a sigh of contentment.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" I ask him, referring to the Guardian that has just gone missing.

His lips set into a thin line and he looks like he's in a deep thought. "He will be," he finally answers. I look for any signs if he's lying, but there's nothing. "They are mates, and if I recall correctly, they can't live without each other. Kind of like us."

Blushing at his statement, I let my bangs fall in front of me, hiding my eyes and cheeks. It's been so long since the time my hair was cut to short. I've been living in the mortal for God knows how long already and I haven't had any proper haircut yet.

"What are you thinking about?" he asks me as he moves my bangs away that hide my eyes with his index fingers. I blush again when I see his longing stare at me and he smirks. "What did I ask? Of course it's me you're thinking about. No need to lie. Angels don't lie."

"Yes, they do." I mutter.


"Yes, they." He looks at me as if I've lost my mind. Maybe I have, that's why I'm together with him. "I figured that since I'm going to be a demon, I'm going to consider myself as a demon already. Not an angel. Plus, I have my demon guru right here, standing in front of me. So I'm hoping that my guru would teach me how to be a demon."

"Ah," he seems amused, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Rule number one, you should always kiss your demon." He chortles as his hands go behind his back, clasping it as he looks at me. I roll my eyes, tiptoe, and then gives him a peck on the lips. His arms immediately wrap around me, pulling me closer and Slate deepens the kiss. As he pulls away, he says, "That's better."

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