A little story lmao

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Warning: lots and lots of swearing and name calling tbh probably things that would make the regular human being very mad. But hey you're in my book so you really shouldn't expect anything less from me ;)

Okay okay okay okay lololol this is a story I wanted to share because I want to let it all fucking out and shit. ight? ight.

Okay so let's go back to the olden days where Mikayla was 11 years old. So there was this girl I met right? And I really really really liked her. SHE MADE ME QUESTION MY SEXUALITY. I always liked boys but I met her and I was like shiiiiit can u get choooo number ;)

Ew I'm gross, moving on.

Actually before I continue let me just clear up any confusion. I am not gay, nor bisexual nor pansexual. I'm straight. I never liked girls that way. And till this day I don't. It was just something about her that made me gay...but...just for her? It's kinda hard to explain but that's how I felt. To be honest at first I didn't know what it was I felt for her.

Let's....let's call her....let's call her Cherry.

Okay so basically I was 11, I didn't really know shit about true feelings and stuff. I always thought the feelings I felt for her were just really deep friend feelings.

But then I started comparing the way I felt about her to the way I felt about my other friends. For example, let's use Candy

Candy, I've been friends with Candy for 13 years. I. Love. Her. I would give my life for her. She's my everything. But the way I feel about Candy is family. She feels like a little sister to me that I want to protect at all cost. Someone that I want to have in my life forever.

Another example is Charlie

I've been friends with Charlie for 7 years and he's one of my best friends. I love him so much. I tease him, call him a piece of shit. Emo Blond Bitch. Anything really. But it's just fun, it's just something we do and if I ever lost him...I don't really know what I would do. And it's nothing romantic, I just love him.

Then...well...then there's Cherry  (lolol the three C's; Candy, Charlie, and Cherry. I'm not adding Alex nor Alexis cause it'll ruin the whole thing lmao sorry fam)

Cherry...I literally fucking blushed just at the mention of her name. And I never blush, she literally made me feel girly and made me want to dress nice just to impress her. I wanted to hold her hand and kiss it, kiss her and it was so weird cause I never felt this way before about a girl. Only about crushes. Then I realized...

Oh shit...bruhh do I got a crush on her???

I do

Okay so anyways I've had a crush on Cherry for 2 years before I told her anything. I told everyone else and they thought I was bisexual. And it's not like I'm in denial about coming to terms with my sexuality or anything. It's just I know that I'm straight, I'm pretty sure. I talked to people like Charlie about how they just knew their true sexuality (Charlie is bisexual ahurr) he described it as knowing from the beginning it may be confusing right now but you'll just know.

And it was only her I felt this way about. I never looked at girls as a potential romantic partner for me. But if it was Cherry, I told myself I would make an exception.

So then at the age of 13 I told Cherry I loved her (I didn't say i liked her. I said I loved her. Cause after two years I realized that was it. I literally would cry because I wasn't with her lmaoo I'm such a pussy)

And guess what?


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