Chapter Two

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The sound of flying chopper broke my sleep. Man! Why did the ride came so early. I mumbled.

The wall clock in my room was showing 10am. Not my time to get up. I thought

Although Dad had told me to go off to sleep early. But I couldn't just sleep. Thoughts kept on coming in my mind one by one making me restless, keeping me awake almost all night. It's not like I get to go live in civilization every day. I would get to see more of humans and primes around. I could talk to people around. I am actually too glad about it. I never have talked to anyone except my dad. I wonder what other humans are like. I wonder how my grandpa prime is going to be like.

The door opened. Dad peeked through the door. "Great. Someone is already up. Get ready and come down with your stuff. We got to go. Everyone must be waiting to see you." He said. And went downstairs, shutting the door behind hm. What's with my dad now? Why is so grumpy. Is he sad about leaving island?

"The Big day" I mumbled to myself.

I got off my bed. Took a quick swim in pool and got dressed. Searched for the bag I had packed. Dad told me not to take much stuff. Clothes and all could be bought there. So I packed a few favorite books of mine. And all the gifts my dad had given me so far. I took my bag off the study table and went downstairs.

Dad was serving breakfast to two men. One was dark shade and other was brown skinned. The brown skinned had beard. Both had dark eyes. They smiled at me when I arrived downstairs. I smiled back. Dark guy looked like he was in his mid twenties. And the brown skinned was in his early thirties. None of them looked qualified to be my grandpa's age. I can say this because. Primes aren't immortal. They do age at human pace if they don't use their powers. With regular use of their powers their lives may extend way beyond human lives. As far as I know my grandpa prime leads a normal human life. Yea, he lives without powers. So he must be in his fifties at least. Oh! Grandpa prime didn't came himself to pick us up. That's why dads so grumpy.

"Have some breakfast kiddo" dad said. He took another plate and placed it in dining table.

I walked towards dining table. Sat on a chair. Grabbed my cheese sandwich and took a bite.

"So you are THE MOST POWERFUL BREATHING PRIME in this earth" the dark guy spoke. Still biting his sandwich. Smiling through is eyes. He was kind of was suppressing his smile. Is he mocking at me? Whats wrong with this guy.

"I believe so. Do you want me to prove it? I could kill you right in this moment. Shall I?' I said giving a serious evil look to him. His smile dropped. He looked down.

What am I doing. He sure was just kidding. I shouldn't have said this.

"He really is leader's grandchild. Hahahah" the brown guy said. "btw I am Varun; your grandpa has sent me and Amit here to pick you up to our place. We would be flying in next 30 minutes. As Your grandpa has ordered us to get you as soon as possible. And yea, I am sorry for this kids act."

"No, it's okay. He was just kidding. I shouldn't have said that." I said. Amit looked up. All smiles again.

" I am just glad I could meet you." Amit said. Still all smiling. He is really annoying, why is he smiling so much. Couldn't grandpa send someone less annoying than him?

The brown guy jus sighed again. "Guess we all done here. Let's fly. Leader prime must be waiting for us. You guys ready." He asked.

My dad smiled. He had already packed everything important for us to take. I had to just pack up my stuff. Which I finished packing yesterday night, before sleep.

I went up to grab my stuff. Looking at my room I realized, Maybe this is the last time I enter my room. I spent all my childhood in this room. I could walk with my eyes closed all over. I just stood there looking at the room for one last time. Went ahead, picked up the my bag in the right corner above my study table. The table made a noisy sound with shivering. My shaking table I said to myself, smiling.

I came back down the stairs. The dark guy offered to carry my bag.

I shook my head.

"no I can carry it myself" I said to him.

He didn't say anything, just went ahead and helped my dad anyway. The brown guy was not to be seen anywhere. May be he went ahead to the helicopter. We stepped outside the house. My dad and the brown guy carried the bags to the helicopter. Soon everything was loaded. There wasn't much to take anyway. What all stuff would one pack in civilization, I wondered.

Soon we headed for the helicopter. My dad didn't wanted to leave any traces. As he is always, the extra precautions. He gathered some burning wood and flammable oil. And put our house in fire in a moment. And didn't even look back once while leaving the house.

Did he hate it. This house. Did he hate being trapped in a island with me. I couldn't read his expression. Maybe he is just pissed because grandpa prime didn't show himself in the door.

Anyway, it's my time to visit him. Visit the mystery civilization. A smile spread across my lips automatically.

We all hoped in our helicopter. The brow guy was the pilot after all. He started the helicopter. And he moved up, defying gravity. Like the birds could. I had an eagle for pet when I was ten. But then one day he flew and never came back. Maybe he found a better place. I was so upset that day. Upset for days. I got over it eventually.

Dad said. He went away to where he belongs.

I wonder if I am going to where I belong, if I would belong to the civilisation. I could hear my heart beat raised and feel the sweat in my palm. Guess I am nervous after all.

The helicopter took off. Everything looked smaller and smaller. The island, the trees. There down blow was my house burning caught in fire.

Guess The burning house below was the beginning of my new awaited destiny.

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