Fluffy shit

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It's now been 2 years and they're fifteen now. Still as lustful and loving as when they started dating when they were 13. (I know thirteen is REALLY YOUNG TO BE DOING IT MY GOD, but it's the age they are in the show so don't kill me) it's now Wednesday march 3, Darwin's birthday. The birthday boy and his partner both had the day off from school so they could sleep in together. Today, Darwin didn't want sex, he wanted to spend time with his Gumball, and go out for lunch or something. He put on a striped button down shirt, some black jeans, made his hair anime-ish, got on his green converse, and woke Gumball up with a soft kiss on the lips. Gumball woke up and said "happy birthday sexy" which made Darwin laugh. Gumball dressed up like him but with a denim looking button down. They left the house and headed to the mall.

When they arrived they saw penny with her new boyfriend chad. Gumball cringed but he knew who he loved. They went over to Olive Garden and had spaghetti, and we all know how that went. After they were done with their spaghetti make out sesh, (omygod I said sesh kill me)they paid and went home. Gumball sat down at his computer and Darwin got out a book. After checking Elmore plus, Gumball went over to where his date m8 was sitting, planted a kiss on his forehead and said "whatcha reading?" Darwin kissed him and said " the adventures of max crumbly" Gumball replied with "oh ok" and returned to his computer to play wizards 101. It was now 9:00 at night, and they decided to go to bed. They both said "I love you so much", turned off the lamp, curled up together and slept. The next morning Gumball woke up with out his shirt on and sweatpants which was what he wore to bed every night. Darwin was shirtless too and was crying. Gumball got up and asked why he was crying and Darwin said "Because I had a dream you left me for penny and you two had kids together" Gumball looked worried and said "dar, I love you more than penny. I'm gay. And I would never cheat on you." He then kissed Darwin and got dressed.

Gumball x Darwin Where stories live. Discover now