New Perspective

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Request from Anonymous: Hey! Can you do a Peter Parker imagine during civil war (reader is in team cap.) in which the reader is a class mate of Peter, and a Avanger with 'sort of' the things that 'Mistique' can do (with all the shape shifting), which gives gives reader a lot of advantages while fighting against poor Peter, and she just makes a lot of fun of him for just not getting anything on her. Sry I Just imagine it pretty cute and funny ^^

You weren't exactly scared, but you were definitely nervous. You knew what everyone on the team could do and the thought of fighting half of them was not on the list of things you wanted to do in life.

This was even going to have an effect on your school work. Going to Germany so close to finals had also not been on the list of things you wanted to do.

"Ready?" Steve asked everyone.

You nodded and soon you were out in the middle of the airport with your team, facing the people that you had considered to be people you would never fight with, in front of you.

Honestly, you had hoped that this wouldn't come to a fight - you thought everyone was better than this. But if it came to a fight, like it had, you knew that you had to stand up for what you believed in.

Steve spoke to Tony. You noticed that they both really didn't want to fight like this. But seen as they both had conflicting ideas, there wasn't any other option.

All of a sudden Tony called "Underoos!" and someone in a red and blue suit flipped in and grabbed Steve's shield. You were glad you had one more person on your team but now everything was even if this person, whoever they were, was on Tony's.

"Hey everyone." They said. It was a guy, you noticed, and not an old one.

"Who's that?" You whispered to Wanda.

"I don't know." She said, "But give him hell."

You grinned at this and then turned back to the opposing team.

You saw this new guy looking at you with his head tilted slightly as if he was trying to work out something. When he saw you looking back at him he returned his attention back to Tony. You were now starting to question what you had gotten yourself into. Maybe homework would have been better.

Now the niceties were over and done with, the proper fight started. It really did hurt to see your friends fighting each other.

You ran over to behind a wheel of one of the planes and looked out of what was going on. Everyone seemed to be engaged in little fights of their own. You didn't know where that new guy had gone but you knew it wouldn't be long until you ran into him again.

You had decided on going to help Clint fight Natasha and ran out of your hiding place when something dropped down in front of you.

"Going somewhere?" This new guy was just asking for it.

"Not anymore." You said and spun round and tried to kick him but he quickly moved out of the way using a string-like substance to pull on.

"That stuff coming out of you?" You asked.

"Not really, Y/N." He answered and you stopped dead.

"How do you know my name?" That was probably the fastest reaction you had ever had to anything.

"Uh... I don't." He said lamely.

"Who are you?" You demanded.


"No really?"

"Doesn't matter."

"Yes it does." You ran at him and kicked his legs out from underneath him. While he was on the floor you grabbed at his mask and pulled it off.

Peter Parker (Tom Holland) ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now