Chapter 8

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A.N.: Warning: its unbelievably short 

“Hold on. Are you trying to say you finally fucked him?!”

“Well, not technically. But yes, we did have sex. I just told you. Now quiet down. The whole school doesn’t need to know. And why are you so surprised in the first place?”

Louis didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, trying to sound as blasé as possible while talking to Zayn about the loss of his virginity. He was eternally grateful for having met Zayn and having befriended the lad so soon. It just felt amazing to talk about normal teenage stuff like sex for once and not needing to have deep, stressful conversations about mythical creatures and their vicious side effects.

“I’m not. Not really,” Zayn said, “I just didn’t know you were thinking about it. Like, it came a bit out of the blue.”

“It’s not like I’ve been pondering on it for weeks, visioning it and shit,” Louis snickered.

“You know what I mean,” Zayn answered flustered, “Isn’t it like a topic you discuss with your best mates. Like isn’t that the protocol?”

“Oh, I didn’t know we were best mates? I’m glad you cared to decide that for me,” Louis said innocently. Zayn looked a little hurt by the statement, so the other lad decided quickly to let him know he had only been joking, sending a cheeky wink his way.

“I do see where you’re coming from,” he amended afterwards, “It was just a spur in the moment, I guess. So I didn’t really have time to discuss it with you, but I promise that from now on I’ll talk with you about all the milestones of Harry and mine relationship. It does work the other way around too, so let’s talk about your relationship now! How’s Liam doing?”

And that kids, was just how you change topics. Louis was a pro in it.

“We’re not a couple,” Zayn blurted instantly. The denial had seemed to come like a reflex.

“Well, not yet.”

“Yeah sure. In my dreams.”

“No really. There’s a spark. I can see it! I mean, you got along perfectly at the movie night, right? You just need a little bit more time,” Louis smiled encouraging at him.

“Nah. He just wants to be friends, I think.”

“That’s how it starts, and before you know it, you’re sucking his dick.” Louis shrugged like it was evident.

“Is that how it went with you and Harry?”

Louis took his time to think that over, than shrugged again, “Basically, now that I think of it. And we took way longer to get to the stage of friendship than you two  so getting together with Liam should be as easy as pie.”

“But that was you and him. You two would find your way to each other anyway. You’re practically made for each other! I see that you two fit like Oreos and milk and I haven’t seen you two together that much all together. So, you can’t really compare you two to me and anyone else. The soul mate thing doesn’t work for us commoners.”

Huh, did people really see them that way? Even Zayn, who’d only known them for a couple of months. Louis’ never thought about how they looked together to others, even less that they could be soul mates, as if their relationship wasn’t yet mythical enough. The thought did make him smile from the inside, the idea pleased him. Could it be? Hmm, he noted to ask Niall about it. The Irishman would never lie to him.

“Let’s just sit together with them at lunch, ‘mkay? Harry’s been pestering me about it for ages and this way you and Liam can become even better friends. They all like you, by the way. Harry’s told me as much. So, no need to be insecure or shy or anything.”

Zayn didn’t immediately answer, but eventually he gave in, sighing to make his slight displeasure clear, “I guess. Only if you won’t snog Harry all the time. ”

“Good. That’s a deal then. Although I can’t decide anything on Harry’s behalf!” Louis cheered, draping his arm over Zayn’s shoulder.

Finally, point two of his Get Ziam Together plan, could be checked off. What a great day to be alive.


Lunch turned out great. Zayn and Liam talked happily about superheroes and homework, every once in a while, letting Niall participate in their conversation. The two of them just clicked. If Zayn could see what Louis saw, he wouldn’t have any doubts anymore and ask Liam on a date, he was sure of it. It was amazing to see them interact. Both clearly interested in the other, but also both too shy to make a move. They just needed a push, but Louis had promised himself he’d would until they were even better friends before trying to check his third point off his Get Ziam Together plan.

Louis himself, was true to his word and didn’t make out with Harry all the time, not even a little actually, ‘cause they didn’t want to annoy everyone around them with their PDA. However, they did play footsie under the table, flirting like two twelve year olds.

It felt good. Even if it were only a normal school day, Louis couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so happy. The normality of the situation even making it better if anything. Yes, in the back of his head he knew he actually needed to worry of the creature that haunted their village, but he kind of figured that as a human, he could leave that to the pack. It wasn’t like he himself could change something about it, so why bother letting it paint his thoughts black.

As he walked back to class, he couldn’t believe how lucky he was having a boyfriend, which he had amazing sex with, and a group of friends, some more trustworthy than others, but still worthy his time. Everything was perfect, so why did it feel like the quiet before the storm? Like that song of The Foo Fighters: Could everything be this real forever? Could anything be this good again?

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