I miss my brother - Crankiplier

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For the most part, Ethan was a happy person. He would laugh and smile at almost anything and it was rare to ever see the blue boi unhappy. That meant that right now, while Ethan crys his eyes out over his lost brother, no one knew how to confort him.

The office had been very quiet today, Mark had finished recording early so he could help Kath (idk how to spell her name) and Ethan with the editing. Things where going well, they had made a lot of progress and where almost finished. There where a few small conversations hear and there but it was mostly silent as they worked.


Ethan phone ringing cut through the silence grabbing everyone's attention as the blue haired boy picked his phone up and left the room, standing in the hall to talk to whoever was calling. After what seemed like an hour Ethan came back in, his eyes where red and puffy, he was shaking, and it looked like he tried to rip his hair out because of how messy it looked.

"Hey Eth," Mark said after a few seconds of a different, much less enjoyable slinence "you okay buddy?"

Ethan looked at Mark, not saying anything as he slowly sat on the ground, not having the strength to stand anymore. Quickly Mark rushed over to Ethan and instructed Kath to go find Amy and Tyler. Ethan began to sob uncontrollably saying something through his sobs that Mark couldn't hear.

"Ethan, I need you to calm down." Mark said as calming as possible "Come on Eth, I need you to breath. Deep breaths. you can do it. Like this Eth, do it with me"

Mark spend nearly half an hour trying to get Ethan to breath normally. Ethan was finally breathing at a normalish rate when Tyler,Amy and Kath all came running in and sat by there clearly upset friend.

"Ethan, what happend? what's wrong?" Amy asked trying not to sound panicked

"He died." Ethan's voice sounded broken and empty

"Who died?" Tyler asked putting an arm around Ethan

"Jay. My brother. he died. he... shot himself." Ethan broke down into sobs again


It's been almost a month since Ethan lost his brother. The funeral was yesterday, all of them went with Ethan for support. Ethan spent hours talking to his brothers casket.

Ethan had pulled a chair up beside the casket. he looked at his brother and smiled.

"Remember when I was little," He spoke to the body "and I got in that big fight? remember how when I was in the hospital, you pulled a chair up beside me and told me I would be alright? Remember how you held me and sang until I fell asleep? I remember that." Ethan paused "I miss that."

Ethan hadn't left his room since they got back. everyone was worried. the wanted there blueberry back. the one who would laugh and smile at almost anything, the one who was always happy.

Mark stood outside Ethan's door. Wondering if this was a good idea, but he needed his Ethan back.

Mark knocked on the door.

He waited for a minute before Ethan opened it.

"Hey Eth, can I come in?" Mark asked

Ethan just nodded and let Mark follow him over to his bed.

"Ethan, I know you miss him. believe me, I know. I just need you to know that even though he's gone, you're not alone. you have Tyler, Amy, Kath, and me. Eth please know that I love you. I really really do and I hate seeing you upset." Mark had tears in his eyes as he said this slowly.

"Mark," Ethan's voice sounded weak and scratchy from not being used in a few days "Its kinda funny."

"what's funny?" Mark asked in confusion

"the things I miss most about him, are the things I love most about you."

Mark smiled at this. He pulled Ethan close and held him in his arms, singing safe and sound softly, watching as his little brother falls asleep in his arms.

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