I swear it's fine! - crankiplier

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Art by shamefulbirb on tumbler

(I'm actually the annon who sent the ask in and I was so overjoyed when I was blessed with a beautiful drawing♡)

Link to original:

Request by - saoirsemcnamara2003

Ethans foot gets hurt because of Mark and Mark gets vv over protective of his smol child

Ethans pov

Shit shit shit, I'm late again! This is the forth day in a row I've slept in, how can I be this stupid?!?

As I frantically sprint records the office I see Mark's car in the distance. 'At least I'm showing up around the same time as Mark I though to myself. When I finally reach the building Mark had just gone in. I panic for a second when I realise I left my laptop at home. I decide to run in and tell Mark before I run home to get it.

That was a mistake.

As soon as I ran through the door my foot got caught on something on the ground. Next thing I knew I was face first on the ground and my ankle felt like hell.

"ETHAN??" I hear Mark call in a panicked voice "Are you Okay? Oh crap."

Mark paused and stared  at what I had tripped on. Looking down I notice that it was his bag. I looked back up at Mark and see him staring at me with the most apologetic look I've ever seen.

"Ethan I'm so Sorry! When I came in i just dumbed it on the ground And, shit eth I'm so Sorry!" Mark said

"Its okay Mark,it's really not that bad but, uh I kinda hurt my foot. Can you help me get u-"

Before I could finish my sentence Mark scooped me off the ground now carrying me bridal style.

"Mark? Mark really I'm fine!I wanted like a hand up, not to be lifted up!" I say quickly

"Ethan it's my falt you got hurt and I intend on making it up to you. Do you need anything? I don't want you moving around to much" Mark said in a motherly tone

"I left my laptop at my house but it's fine I can just use kat-"

"Kathryn's laptop is broken, you know that. Here use mine for now and I'll grab yours at lunch." Mark handed me his laptop before he began to lecture me about not moving.

-time skip-

3ed person pov

Mark had need hovering around Ethan all day. One time Ethan attempted to go make a coffee but the second me started to stand Mark lifted him off the ground and carried him to the kitchen and back.

Over all Ethan didn't mind the attention, even though he pretended to hate it. Mark was a very strong man and even though Mark was straight Ethan still loved to be held by him. Ethan always loved to be held by strong arms. It made him feel safe.

Just as life works all good things must come to an end, and as it got later into the night the more Mark began to worry.

"So you walked here so I'm going to drive you back and I'll carry you in-"


"Oh but you'll need supper so I can make you something, actually you never have groceries so maybe I'll order you some food, oh but then you'll get up to get the door-"


"Maybe I'll get you some groceries then make you some food! That works but what about-"

"MARK!" Ethan yells finnaly getting the older man's attention "please I'm fine, if like a rude but you don't have to carry me or anything like That!"

After a small argument they came to an agreement. Or so Ethan though. Just lime picking a time limit for a challenge Mark doesn't really give any warning of his plans.

-small time skip-

"Mark it's almost 10,you should head home." Ethan said as Mark placed him down on his bed.

"But what if you need water,or the bathroom,or what if a bunch or rainbow ninjas with tophats break in And-"

"Okay okay fine! Geese you can stay. Rainbow ninjas in tophats. Really Mark?"

"It could happen!" Mark smiled as he played in bed beside Ethan

"If you're staying you're making me breakfasts" Ethan says with a smerk

Mark laughed at this "I've seen you try to cook, I think it's safer that way"

"Hey! That not fair- I almost made that cake until we taisted it!"

"Goodnight Ethan." Mark said still smiling from the find memory of his cake making video

"Goodnight Mark." Ethan responded


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